Ground Rules

Come with a growth mindset! Leave the fixed or closed mindset at the door.

Engage respectfully to discuss and learn...

- We may disagree with each other, but mutual respect and a willingness to learn from others keeps the discussion civil. - We share ideas, consider alternatives, open to new ideas and evaluate the pros and cons proposed or discussed.- We listen to other people's thoughts or experiences and explore ideas we may not have previously considered. - We learn more about the issue and about values of others. - We treat people as partners in a problem-solving session. - We seek an exchange of ideas, not resentful silence.

Refrain from argumentative-type behavior...

- Not open to new ideas or the possibility of adjusting views.- Being defensive, attacking the opposition or drawing sides.- Treating other people as opponents to be defeated.- Seeking to agitate and prove the superiority of our side- Listen only to validate our viewpoint and not to learn.- Focus is on winning an argument and being combative rather than engaging in a civil manner to learn and grow.