Aurico background check time

Aurico background check time

The essentials of an background check at first are relatively straightforward. A record check is really a breakdown of someone's criminal record, municipal, business oriented, academic, and often monetary historical past.

Many reasons exist for why a company or an individual should be keen on background record checks. First of all is security to the business or a household, customers, and its personnel. Additionally will be to ensure that the candidate has been truthful in their disclosures and verify good personality of the potential prospect.

Inside a ideal society everyone would be able to have confidence in one another. Regretfully, this just isnt the way it is. A lack of background checks, as well as poorly performed checks, might lead to possible criminal activity, injuries, or fiscal loss within the organization or even a family.

With Aurico, organizations gain confidence in matching the right person with the right position at the right time.

Quite simply we have better processes resulting in higher verification success rates, detailed reporting, and transparency throughout the process.

We understand screening is the final step before a candidate starts their new job. It's why we are passionate about driving industry leading turnaround times. And it's why we strive to ensure 100% satisfaction every step of the way.

I am writing to you to share some exciting news about Aurico. Today, we announced that we have been acquired by CareerBuilder, a strategic move that we believe will be a huge win for our clients.

Aurico's records services are aligned with our philosophy for thorough detailed reporting. NAPBS accreditation, ISO certification, and stringent compliance standards are the backbone of product quality. We align client compliance processes and take strict care to deliver maximum possible accuracy.

We make screening fast, convenient and predictable. Through system integration we simplify the transmitting of candidate information from your ATS to our WebACE™ screening platform. Time is saved and applicant experience enhanced with pre-populated 'smart' data.

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