Ethnic Studies


What is Ethnic Studies?

We all have our own definition for the term Ethnic Studies but this is one out of the many definitions of what it is. . .

“Ethnic Studies is first and foremost a teaching of self love and an understanding of how colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy have played a role in oppression. It is an anti racist way of learning about history and culture that focuses on the importance of diverse perspectives and the voices of people of color. It departs from the use of the Ethnocentric lens and the centering of the Anglo sphere that is common in today’s academic curriculum, especially in, but not limited to, Social Studies.”

  • culture

  • religion

  • language

  • place of origin

  • race

Why is Ethnic Studies important?

  • We need to understand the importance of diversity

  • Ethnic Studies is a way to recover and reconstruct the histories that are being neglected

  • Provides young people access to the full spectrum of human knowledge, not just parts of it

  • Ethnic Studies is also important because the curriculum that exists currently reinforces white supremacy

  • Allows youth of color to learn about/love themselves

  • Youth of color to learn that they have rich histories, and learn about how their people have resisted oppression rather than just being taught about the achievements of white people and oppression of BIPOC

  • It teaches youth to be critical, develop an understanding of injustice that exists, and be motivated to make changes to that injustice

Benefit of Ethnic Studies

A study in San Francisco showed that students who enrolled in at least one ethnic studies class graduated at a higher rate than students who took no ethnic studies classes.

Here are the statistics

Don't forget Ethnic Studies of course has many more benefits than just passing classes, they help people understand their history, make connections, understand each other and more :)

Action Steps

Community Organizing

  • Creating and signing petitions to urge your school district to implement ethnic studies courses

  • Holding rallies to pressure your school district to implement ethnic studies courses

  • Meeting with your school board members to advocate for the implementation of ethnic studies courses in your district

  • Collaborating with community organizations working on ethnic studies

  • Creating an awareness campaign to educate people on ethnic studies and its importance

Social Media

  • Creating Info graphics - providing information to people about ethnic studies and it's importance

  • Instagram - Hashtag ideas: #youth4ethnicstudies, #Y4ES, #ethnicstudies, #Y4ESMN, #ethnicstudiesempower, #Ethnicyouth #youthpower, #ourschools, #youthstrong, #power4youth, #education4liberation, #decolonizethecurriculum, #decolonizeMN, #decolonizeEducation, #ourschoolsourstories, #ethnicstudies

MN Youth and Adult Ethnic Studies Coalition

In Minnesota there is a youth and adult ethnic studies coalition, fighting for ethnic studies to be implemented as a required course in schools. The youth and adult team is made up of many different kinds of people with different backgrounds, and come from many different organizations.

Coalition members and supporters

Youth Coalition

About the Youth Coalition

Youth Ethnic Studies Coalition Ed Lib Video.mp4

Check out this wonderful video created by one of the youth coalition members to learn more about the coalition!

Thank you Anindita!

The Youth Coalition Project

The Youth Ethnic Studies Coalition is creating a video about the importance Ethnic Studies to show on our Instagram and to lawmakers this fall! We want many different people (between pre-k -college) with different perspectives to share their ideas about Ethnic Studies while also responding to some questions, in the form of a video, quote, or written response.

Want to participate?

Click the link below for more information on how to share your thoughts. We always need more voices :)

Want to join the coalition?

Email and tell us you are interested!

Statement and Demands for MDE

Click the link to see the statement and demands that we have created for the MDE (Minnesota Department of Education)

Art by Robert Trujillo

Ethnic Studies Bill

The MN Ethnic Studies Coalition is working on introducing a bill that calls for required Ethnic Studies courses in all MN public K-12 schools. Click the link to see the latest version of the bill

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