
What is B u l l y i n g?

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort.

Bullying can occur in any area, such as homes, schools, workplace, and public areas (ex. parks, bathrooms, lakes, etc.). Most of the time there are root causes of why people start to become bullies and why they may pick on a certain person or group. Its easy to start bullying when you dislike someone or become a victim when you are hated.

Types of Bullying

There are four major forms of bullying: verbal, social, physical, and cyber.

  • Verbal: saying or writing mean things

      • Ex: name calling, taunting, inappropriate comments, and threatening

  • Social: hurting someone's reputation or relationship.

      • Ex: leaving someone out on purpose, telling people to not be friends with someone who did nothing wrong, spreading rumors fake or real, and shaming someone in public

  • Physical: hurting/damaging someone’s body or possessions

      • Ex: beating, shoving/pushing, breaking someone’s things, making rude gestures, and inflicting pain.

  • Cyber: online discrimination which includes verbal and social bullying.

      • Ex: writing mean things about people and posting it, typing nasty and mean things about someone to people in their social circle.

Cyber bullying is an issue that is so hard to solve considering how big social media is. Right after an account is reported and halted, bullies can just create another account. This is also why it's so hard to stop cyber bullying. You can take evidence from online posts or message and report it to adults or school figures. Verbal, social and physical bullying is just as bad. Just because one happens more than the other doesn't mean its not as important or crucial. Bullying is bad in all shape or form and is not okay in any circumstance.

Bullies don't know their limits. When they are bullying someone who is weaker than them, they know they are in control of the situation and doesn't stop. Bystanders contribute to bullying because they don't stop the bully(ies) or help the victims.

When is it joking around V.S bullying?

Joking and teasing is a way to encourage better behaviors, but when it starts to become a way to point out insecurities and say hurtful things then it is bullying. These words shouldn't be repetitive and is meant to be playful, unlike bullying, where it is used in a negative way to harm people. Small taps and pushing can be teasing, but when it gets aggressive it is no longer just teasing but bullying or initiating a fight to happen.

Joking is usually done through friends or classmates to create a more comfortable atmosphere and environment to start or continue a conversation. Its done in a friendly and honest behaviors to be kind and not harmful to anyone.

Bullying can be done through these same people too, when these friends/classmates overstep their boundaries and start saying things they wouldn't want others to say to them too. Bullying can come from anyone, and it's usually an aggressive behavior to make someone else feel smaller.

What is the root of bullying?

Factors of why it happens:

There are many factors to why children, youths, or adults start to bully others. For minors, their root causes of why they start to bully may be:

  • Feeling powerless in their own lives

  • Need of being in control

  • Someone else is also bullying them

  • Jealous or frustrated with the one they are bullying

  • Lack of understanding or empathy

  • Searching for attention

  • Having a dysfunctional family

  • Cant regulate their emotions

  • Getting rewards through their actions

For adults most of the time it is prejudice against someone’s actions, words, race, ethnicity, religion, and morals. These reasons can be inflicted onto children' too, as a root cause of why they may start bullying or being prejudice.

Of course, none of these should be excuses for bullying someone. It's better to seek help than to release negative emotions onto someone else.


Impacts on bullies and bullied

Bullies: may never learn their lesson and acknowledge that what they are doing is harming someone mentally and maybe physically.

  • When bullies may want to change, it can be challenging because they are used to more aggressive ways to get what they need. People may even use their past against them which can causes them to not be able to change their behaviors.

Bullied people: may be traumatized for life and may even find it hard to interact with others.

  • Those who are have been bullied or getting bullied can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental health issues. These can be long term or short term issues that people can go through because of bullies.

  • *****Bullying can lead to suicide too, or serious self harming


How to get help:

It's best to talk to a trusted adult and collect evidence of your bullies. It can be screenshots, pictures, audio tape, just anything that can be used against them and as evidence of their wrong acts. Trusted adults can be parents, coaches, teachers, counselors, principal, administrators, superintendent(s), supervisors, and State Department of Education. You can get customized training for work, school, and business at: https://www.ihollaback.org/harassmenttraining/

Things to NOT do:

  • Believe its your fault or something that you deserve it. You don;t deserve that treatment.

  • Fight your bully physically or bully someone else

  • Not telling anyone about it and keeping silent. Make sure you report the bully and their actions.

  • DO NOT skip school or after school activities because you don't want to encounter your bully. Attend your classes and after school activities and don't let that person stop you!

  • Be afraid to tell someone or speak up, its better to let your voice be heard because you MATTER.

  • Please do not harm yourself in any time of way. You don't deserve to be bullied nor hurt yourself. You should NEVER hurt yourself.

Things you CAN do:

  • Staying POSITIVE, keep your positive energy and don't let anyone take it from you. That doesn't mean be happy all the time though.

  • Stay confident, as hard as it is when you're getting bullied don't let it bring you down. You're amazing and deserve better.

  • Don't respond to their mean words, but that doesn't mean silence. You can respond but in a nice way and not taunt them.

  • DO tell a trusted adult and get help to stop the bully.


The bystander effect happens when people see bullying or unjust things happening, but no one does anything because they think someone else will come to the rescue. Being a bystander is probably the easiest thing to do in the world. This easiest thing to do, in fact is extremely harmful and immoral. Keeping silent is doing so much harm because you are letting the bully/criminal get away with their immoral acts and they won’t be held accountable. Stepping up is hard and may seem very terrifying but it’s better than allowing others to belittle someone and ruin that person’s whole life. You can now start to imagine if you were in the victim's position, you will want help too.

Ways you can stop being a bystander:

  • Stop having the mindset that someone else can come and save that person

  • Helping EVERYONE, not just people that fits specific criteria

  • Don’t bully back

  • Get someone else to help if you don’t feel confident in overpowering the bully

  • Scream out loud for help in outdoors or for emergency cases

  • It's not tattle telling, its saving someone or an act of kindness


  • https://www.stopbullying.gov/bullying/what-is-bullying

  • https://www.apa.org/topics/bullying

  • https://americanspcc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Bullying-Causes-of-Courtesy-of-nobullying.pdf

  • https://www.stompoutbullying.org/get-help

  • https://www.understood.org/en/friends-feelings/common-challenges/bullying/difference-between-teasing-and-bullying

  • https://www.kindpng.com/imgv/hJhobmT_bullying-school-bullying-hd-png-download/

  • https://au.reachout.com/articles/bullying-vs-teasing

  • https://haleycissel.weebly.com/bullying-shown-in-art.html

  • "Impact" Artwork by: Anna Vang

  • Photo Icon Artwork by: Anna Vang