
What is this website for?

To inform on the issues such as race, gender justice, ethnic studies, bullying, mental health, and immigration. Targeted towards youths or anyone who seek to understand more about said issues and take action to fight against these issues. This website was created by youths for youths and we hope you get something good out of this!


Alysa Monteagudo

"I am going to be a junior at Highland Park Senior High. I am a half Filipino, half Hmong girl who is passionate about Asian American issues, feminism, and environmental issues. I have always enjoyed being involved with the community through coaching gymnastics and volunteering. I love reading, playing volleyball, and drinking my boba tea."

Marianna Xiong

"I am 17 and currently pursuing a communications degree at Saint Paul college. I love love love anything romance related! I am an extreme advocate for social justice, but a topic I am extremely fond of is gender equality! "

Cassus Moua

"I go to Great River School, and I'm going into 11th grade. I enjoy playing soccer and eating good food. I wanted a chance to integrate myself into the Asian community whilst also using my experience and power as a youth."

Westley Yangsaoyia

"I am 17 and I am a rising senior at Harding High School. I picked up cooking over time mainly because of my family. I like to try new things as well as meeting new people and I recently got into gardening!

Angeline Xiong

"I love learning new things and love engaging with other people. I want to be able to help the community as best as I can. I have strong feelings about social justice so I am open to learning more."

Pa Hok Vang

"I am a youth leader this year at AAOP. I am a rising junior at Highland Park Senior High. I want to continue to help youths fight for their beliefs and learn about all the injustice there is in the world "

Sylvia De Shazo

"I'm going to be a junior at South West High School. I am passionate about understanding the issues in my community and trying to help make a change within it. Besides all that I enjoy making music and biking.

Pa Cheng

"I’m a rising senior at Harding High School. I was born in Thailand but raised in America. I spend most of my time working with my community but also advocating for what I believe in. Asides from that, I spend my time outdoors, playing sports, and traveling."


Phuong Nguyen

"I am a freshman in college attending Augsburg University and I plan to major in Studio Art or Graphic Design. My interests are the visual arts such as drawing and painting. In my free time, I like to listen to music and read webtoons and mangas."

Kang Xiong

"I'm a freshman in college; the first one in my family to attend it so it's important for me to set a precedence. I'm passionate in creative arts and enjoy traveling/the outside world which is why I plan to major in International Business. I wish to be able to communicate my ideas/issues and integrate myself more into the Asian community. "

Morgan Hoong

"My name is Morgan Hoong and I go to school at Fairmont High School. I am really passionate about my community and community enrichment. Some things I like to do are make scrunchies and cook."

Say Moo

"I was born in rural Thailand and moved to America when I was seven years old. I grew up with love for art and creativity and would often think up stories and scenarios in my head. Other than art, I love camping, canoeing and being out in nature. "