@PPOPP'25 with Trevor Brown
[2024]: @PPOPP with Trevor Brown and Daewoo Kim
[2023]: @IEEE TPDS with Trevor Brown and Ali Mashtizadeh
[2023]: @IPDPS with Trevor Brown and Michael Spear
[2021]: @PPOPP with Trevor Brown and Ali Mashtizadeh
NBR: Neutralization Based Reclamation
Best Paper Candidate (Top 4 Manuscripts)
[Tech-Report] [paper] [video][guest lecture in cs798] [code]
[2019]: @ NETYS, Morocco, with Sathya Peri and Archit Somani.
Efficient means of Achieving Composability using Object based Semantics in Transactional Memory Systems.
[Tech-Report] [paper] [code]
[2018]: @ ICDCN, IIT-BHU , AADDA workshop [Work in Progress Paper] with Sathya Peri and Archit Somani .
Proving Correctness of Concurrent Objects by Validating Linearization Points.
[2017]: @HiPC, Jaipur, [poster], with Marc Shapiro, Gael Thomas.
[2017]: @PARCOMPTECH, IISC Bangalore, with Sathya Peri, Anila, Mounika.
[2017] : @ICDCN, Hyderabad, Workshop(AADDA) [Work in Progress Paper] Archit Somani, Dr Sathya Peri
Achieving greater Concurrency using Object-Based Software Transaction Memory Systems
[2016]: @IPDPS, Hyderabad [Poster], with Archit Somani, Dr Sathya Peri
Achieving greater Concurrency using Object-Based Software Transaction Memory Systems
[2016]: @XRCI Open 2016, [Poster], with Priyanka Kumar, Sathya Peri, Muktikanta Sa
Impossibility of online scheduling with MVCOpacity and MVC Algorithm for multi-version STM
[2024] PhD Thesis: Safe Memory Reclamation Techniques [link]
[2018] Master Thesis: Efficient means of Achieving Composability using Transactional Memory [link]
Technical Reports:
[2018]: Efficient means of Achieving Composability using Object based Conflicts on Transactional Memory, with Sathya Peri and Archit Somani [report]
[2017]: Persistent Data Structures using Non Volatile Memory, with Marc Shapiro and Gael Thomas [report]
[2016]: An Efficient Middleware based on Multi-Version Transactional Memory System for Multi-Core Systems, with Sathya Peri and Archit Somani [report]
[2015]: An Efficient Middleware for Multi-Core Systems using Transactional Memory Systems, Sathya Peri and Archit Somani [report]
[2015]: Transportation Flow Modeling and Visualization for Disaster Management Applications,with C. Krishna Mohan and Debaditya Roy [report]