Sponsored Research Projects

1. An Efficient Software Framework for High-Performance Computing Systems.
Aimed at building efficient graph data structure applications like parallel Minmum spanning tree, graph coloring using software transactional memory.presentation
PI: Dr Sathya PeriDuration: 2016-2018 Funded By: Bhabha Atomic Research Center
2. An Efficient Middleware based on Multi-Version Transactional Memory System for Multi-Core Systems
source codereport
PI: Dr Sathya PeriDuration: 2015-2016 Funded By: ANURAG Lab, DRDO
3. An Efficient Middleware for Multi-Core Systems using Transactional Memory Systems
source codereport
PI: Dr Sathya PeriDuration: 2015-2016 Funded By: ANURAG Lab, DRDO
4. Transportation Flow Modeling and Visualization for Disaster Management Applications
source codereport
PI: Dr C Krishna MohanDuration: 2015-2016 Funded By: ANURAG Lab, DRDO

Selected Academic Projects

TUtube : Tizen WebApp

Video streaming app for Tizen platform, it allows you to view different youtube channels and videos.   [source code]

Progressive Learning Chrome extension

[poster pdf] .You get an ordered content(web pages) for a topic of your interest from the person who had already learned the same topic that too in increasing order of complexity- beginner → intermediate → expert.

Multi View Fast Object Detection Using Extended Haar Filters

Implemented multi-view object detection methodology by using the specific extended class of haar like filters, which detects the object with high accuracy in the unconstrained environments. 

During my early undergraduate years, I pondered the question: Can computers function as psychologists and decipher human thoughts? In pursuit of exploring this idea, I developed a small program designed to subtly coax individuals into revealing their thoughts. Later, I wrote my first manuscript based on the project. All of this was unsupervised and whimsical, so there are no guarantees on quality; nonetheless, that impelled me to pursue research. This was much before present day Large Language Model wave. [unpublished: pdf]