From the day Asia Amalgamated Holding Corporation was incorporated from its original company the primary business plan was to expand as far as it can reach in catering or providing the needs of the clients/customers in the field of water treatment and processing, transport and insurance.

Before, the company combines the traditional good sense, warmth and friendliness to excel in customer service and relevant products to meet the needs of the customers.

With the inception of our subsidiaries we were able to provide that goal in terms of service and product that leads to the early success of the company. We were also able to provide jobs and opportunity to many individuals while the business continues to expand. We were able to increase our outputs by acquiring assets which were necessary for the day to day operations.

We were on the verge of expanding our operations regionally from its original scope but as fate befell on us we were not able to see its realization due to the 1998 Global Financial Crisis that affected us, we were not able to absorb the losses particularly from our main affiliate which secures most of our services from their logistics need up to the products they acquire from us.

At this present moment, however, AAA continues to focus in the recovery of its operations little by little by seeking new avenues or ventures in which we can offer our expertise and experience.