Dr. Yassine Boubendir

Dr. Boubendir received his Bachelor Diploma (Diplôme D'Etudes Supérieures) in Mathematics at the University of Constantine (Algeria) and his PhD in Applied Mathematics in the University of Toulouse (France). Following that, he held a research position, Chargé de Recherches, in the department of Mathematics at the University Paris 13 (France). Dr. Boubendir joined the school of Mathematics in the University of Minnesota (USA) as an assistant Professor in 2004, and then the New Jersey Institute of Technology (Newark, USA) in 2007 where he is now full Professor in the Mathematical Science department.

In addition, he held visiting scholar positions in many places, including the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) and the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, USA).

Dr. Boubendir general interests are in the numerical and the mathematical analysis of Partial Differential Equations. More specifically, he is interested in the design, implementation and analysis of numerical algorithms for problems of electromagnetic, acoustic and elastic wave propagation.

For instance, it is known that wave scattering problems are pervasive in a variety of engineering and industrial applications. These include, for instance, antenna design, stealth and noise management, tomography, electromagnetic compatibility, etc. The technological relevance of these applications has provided significant impetus to the design of advanced numerical simulators for problems of wave propagation in the last few decades. Indeed, sophisticated solvers have been developed based, for instance, on Finite-Element, Finite-Difference and Integral Equations Techniques. Still, a variety of important applications (e.g. in radar) remain well beyond the reach of the most efficient solvers mainly due to their sheer size. To overcome these problems, Dr. Boubendir has been designing effective strategies to enlarge the domain applicability of scattering solvers by coupling several methods such as Non-Overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods with Finite/Boundary elements and Asymptotic Approximation methods.