After a successful virtual AAF Summer University in 2020 we decided to organize a virtual lecture series with speakers and attendees from all over the globe.

We plan to provide a series of online seminars/lectures given by academicians, industry researchers and/or engineers in multiple fields and medical health professionals.

The lectures will generally be given online on Saturday at 12:00 am EDT and 5:00 pm Algeria time (see calendar).

We will invite lecturers to give online talks on recent research and/or education results related to the following fields:

  • Biology & health

  • Engineering (e.g., civil, electrical, energy resources and petroleum, ... etc.)

  • Computing & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We cordially hope you will enjoy the talks and find them highly-valuable to your own field of work, research and education interests!

The AAF lectures organizing scientific committee.

Stay Tuned!