A1 - Analysis report  (Paligo)


This analysis report consists of a presentation of Paligo, which is a particular component content managing system (CCMS). The report strives to analyze if Paligo is appropriate to meet the needs of a specific company's complex training program and the publishing needs of its training department.

The three main sections of this analysis report is listed below. Click on the learn more button below to read about the basic profile of the client (company) and its needs regarding the publication of courseware materials for training.

 Sections of the Analysis Report

Functionality of Paligo

Here is where you can know more about the CCMS provider and the various things they can offer.

Venture Cube

Here is where you can read about the analytical framework for understanding how this CCMS relates to the current market.

Recommendations for investment

Here is where you find out if this CCMS is worth investing in for the said company.