黒田大スケ Daisuke KURODA

黒田大スケ / Daisuke KURODA


1982 京都府生まれ。2013 広島市立大学大学院 芸術学研究科 総合造形芸術専攻(彫刻領域) 修了。同年、橋本平八「石に就て」の研究で博士号取得。


・最近の主な展覧会に「対馬アートファンタジア」(長崎、対馬、2019−2011)、個展「ハイパーゴースト・スカルプチャー」(東京、Kanzan Gallery、2019)、個展「不在の彫刻史2」(東京、3331 Arts Chiyoda、2019)、個展「不在の彫刻史」(東京、トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷、2017)、「 東アジア文化都市奈良2016 古都祝奈良 」( 奈良、東城戸町会所)個展「透明な風景」( 札幌、札幌国際芸術祭SIAF ラボプロジェクトルーム)などがある。


Daisuke Kuroda

Born in Kyoto, 1982.

Lives and works in Kyoto, Japan.

My work is to research the relationship between the environment, history, and the body, and to find and visualize the presence of invisible “ghosts”.

In this context, "ghost" refers to that which is difficult to capture despite having a clear impact on society and history, such as stereotypes and rumors, or weather phenomena such as wind, or concealed incidents. I research, consider and visualize why they are invisible, hard to see, and ignored like "ghosts." . I do this through sculptures, photographs, videos, and installations. 

My basic idea is that art is a way of communication and opens up many possibilities for society. So my job is to visualize the invisible things in society.

In recent years, I have been focusing on modern East Asian sculpture concepts, and researching the history of sculpture education in Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan.