入江早耶 Saya Irie

入江早耶 Saya Irie





「純真(ロマンス)遺跡〜愛のラビリンス〜」(兵庫県立美術館、兵庫、2019)、「NEWoMan ART Wall Vol.9 入江早耶」(NEWoMan、東京、2017)、「資生堂アートエッグ デイリーハピネス」(資生堂ギャラリー、東京、2012)。


「気配と存在」(A-Lab、尼崎、2019)、「瀬戸内国際芸術祭2019」(小豆島、香川、2019)、「Ascending Art Annual Vol.1:すがたかたち」(SPIRAL、東京/ワコールアートセンター、京都)、「ディズニー美術」(KUNST ARZT、京都)。主な受賞に2019年「ポーラ美術振興財団 在外研修員」、2014年「岡山県新進美術家育成 I氏賞」奨励賞、2012年「第6回 資生堂アートエッグ」Shiseido Art Egg賞。





Saya Irie

1983 Born in Okayama, Japan.

2009 MFA, Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Art

2008 Foreign exchange student at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee, Berlin, Germany

2007 BFA, Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Art

Lives and works in Hiroshima.

Born in 1983 in Okayama, Irie completed Hiroshima City University’s pre-doctoral art studies course in 2009, and is currently based in Hiroshima. Her work was honoured in the 2009 Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art, and she was the recipient of the sixth Shiseido “Art Egg” award in 2012. Irie’s technique is to rub out a two-dimensional image with an eraser, and then use the eraser residue to recreate the same image in three dimensions. In one work, an image of the goddess Guanyin has been erased from a scroll only to be re-embodied in three dimensions, hovering in space. In another, a portrait on a banknote has been recreated as a bust placed on the bank note. By taking icons that have attained “currency” through their ubiquity, erasing them, and then recreating them as three dimensional sculptures in the same realm as the viewer, Irie’s works ask humorously modern questions about the way we interact with these images.