F5 Speech and Debate

We are a speech and debate club that is associated with the Stoa Homeschool Speech and Debate League (Stoausa.org)

Here is a good video about Stoa. The Stoa website is Stoausa.org and contains helpful information such as event rules and ballots and the tournament calendar - all under the "For Members" tab on the top toolbar.


We  meet Thursday at 7 PM at the Metrolina Christian Academy/First Baptist Church in Indian Trail.  Meetings last 1.5 hrs. 


In order to be eligible to compete in Stoa tournaments, students must be between the ages of 12 – 18 as of October 1, 2023. 

Besides the age requirement, parents must also agree to a statement of faith and students must be homeschooled.  The Stoa statement of faith and the requirements to be considered homeschooled can be found about half way down this page under Eligibility.   


There are many benefits of speech and debate and these skills will help students for the rest of their lives regardless of life path/career.

Benefits gained by participation in speech and debate include critical thinking, the ability to think on one’s feet, public speaking, research and writing skills, self-confidence, and friendships.


Our club is led by an experienced student who provides instruction and coaching. Parents are welcome to sit in but most do not and available space may be very limited. 


If you have any questions about the club, please feel free to reach out! You can send any questions or concerns to our email at f5speechandebate@gmail.com.  


1) Debate Events - The main focus of the club.

Lincoln Douglas (LD) is a one-on-one debate on topics determined by STOA throughout the year.  The first Stoa Lincoln Douglas resolution for 2023 is “Resolved: A free press ought to prioritize objectivity over advocacy.”  Students must prepare to argue both sides of this resolution.

Parliamentary debate (parli) is a two person vs. two person impromptu style debate in which the topic changes for each debate round.  The topic can be serious or light-hearted in nature.  Once the debate topic is announced, students have 20 minutes to prepare using the Internet/computer/phones, friends, coaches, parents, etc. Only notes handwritten by the competitor are allowed during the round.

2) Speech Events - A minor focus of the club (most work and practice is done at home).

Stoa offers many different speech events. At the beginning of the year, we will give a brief synopsis of all the speech events. Speech coaching will be available in a separate room during club time.  This is not a class, but only coaching for students interested in competing in speech.

PLATFORM SPEECHES – The “Regular” Kind:

Persuasive – a prepared and memorized speech to persuade the audience on a topic of the student’s choosing

Original Oratory -  a prepared and memorized speech on any topic of the student’s choosing

Expository  - a prepared and memorized speech on a topic of the student’s choosing using visual aid/props



Apologetics  - defending the Christian faith. Published list of 84 possible questions/topics. List varies slightly each year. Some tournaments publish which categories will be used so you can limit your preparation

Extemporaneous - current events. Helpful to purchase extempgenie for $30/year (extempgenie.com)

Mars Hill - using movies, songs, books as a springboard to discussing Christianity. List of possible titles provided.  List varies slightly from year to year.  Some tournaments publish which categories will be used so you can limit your preparation.

Impromptu -  speak on a randomly drawn prompt for 5 minutes with two minutes of prep time



Open Interpretation - skit type performance of a published or self-written piece

Humorous Interpretation  - funny skit form a published work  

Dramatic Interpretation - dramatic/character development from a published work

Duo Interpretation - 2 students do a skit from a publish work


Interpretation in a Box – skit type performance of a published work (funny or dramatic) using props

* Some examples and information about the various types of speeches that students may compete in are given on our website under the “Types of Speeches" tab.   However, Stoa offers many more types of speeches.  Also, see the “Speech Helpful Hints” tab for instructional videos about all things speech including how to choose a topic.  



Stoa offers tournaments all over the United States. Students from all over the United States are free to compete in any Stoa tournament.  To see the Stoa tournaments offered around the USA, go to Tournament Calendar & Posting | Stoa Archive and click through the months of competition (October –May).  Tournaments for the 2023-2024 season will begin appearing on the calendar in August.

Our Local Tournaments

We plan to host tournaments on the following dates:

November 3rd and 4th, Friday and Saturday, 7 AM – 9 PM (approx. times)  – Lincoln Douglas/Team Policy + limited speech with the following possible Mars Hill and Apologetic categories:

Mars Hill POTENTIAL Categories: Current Visual Media, Current Music Lyrics, Literature 

Apologetics POTENTIAL Categories: The Character and Nature of God, Foundations of Christianity, Scripture 

September 15 – input deadline from students on what speech events they’re interested in and category “plan” for Apologetics and Mars Hill.

Tentative Dates: February 9th and 10th, Friday and Saturday, 7 AM – 9 PM (approx. times) –  Lincoln Douglas/Team Policy + limited speech with the following possible Mars Hill and Apologetic categories:

Mars Hill POTENTIAL Categories: Classic Visual Media, Classic Music Lyrics, Current Cultural Media

Apologetics POTENTIAL Categories: Foundations of Christianity, Scripture, God and Man

December 8 - inventory from students on what speech events that interested in competing 

Tentative Date: March 15th and 16th, Friday and Saturday, 7 AM – 9 PM (approx. times) – Parliamentary + limited speech with the following possible Mars Hill and Apologetic categories:

Mars Hill POTENTIAL Categories: Classic Visual Media, Classic Music Lyrics, Current Cultural Media

Apologetics POTENTIAL Categories: Foundations of Christianity, Scripture, God and Man

January 31-inventory from students on what speech events that interested in competing 

Regional Area Tournaments

Regional In-Person Tournaments are offered in the Atlanta area (5 per year), the Northern Virginia area (roughly 5 per year), Huntsville, Alabama (1 -2 per year), and the Nashville area (2 per year).


Most of these tournaments are Thursday - Saturday and offer Lincoln Douglas debate, Team Policy debate, Parliamentary debate, and all/most speech events.  A few tournaments are Friday and Saturday and offer a combination of any two of the following: Lincoln Douglas debate with Team Policy debate, Parliamentary debate, or speech events.  Northern Virginia usually offers at least one Saturday debate tournament – either parliamentary or Lincoln Douglas/Team Policy.


Please note that many times tournaments fill quickly because space is limited!  If interested, register quickly!



Christian Communicators of the Southeast


The Christian Communicators of the Southeast (CCofSE) tournaments plan to offer all Stoa speech events.   Although CCofSE does not offer parliamentary debate or Lincoln Doulas debate, these tournaments may offer a chance to do a speech event a little closer to home.  Historically these tournaments have been held in Monroe, Fayetteville, and Jacksonville, NC.



Ziggy Online Debate

A great way to get in some practice against students from across the United States from the comfort of your home with the Stoa debate events of Parliamentary debate and Lincoln Douglas debate. Sign-up at any time.  In fall, get 10 rounds of each debate. In spring, get 8 rounds.  Can opt out any week. Cost is roughly $25-$30/event for the entire semester.  A parent will need to be available to judge a round for each event & week you participate.  https://ziggyonlinedebate.com

Some words about Nationals…

Students must qualify for the National tournament (NITOC or National Invitational Tournament of Champions) by receiving two green checks in an event.  In order to earn a green check in a debate event, students must finish in the top 38% or better in a Stoa or CCofSE tournament.  To earn a green check in a speech event, students must finish in the top 40%  in an event  with a minimum of 3 people at a Stoa or CCofSE tournament (with the exception being Impromptu (top 30%)).

Nationals is always held in mid to late May/early June.  Nationals is scheduled not to interfere with AP testing.  The location of NITOC rotates throughout the country with an East, Central, and West rotation.  This past year NITOC was held at Concordia University in Irvine, California for a "West" rotation. This year NITOC 2024 will be held at Union University in Jackson, TN.