Teachers' Rooms

August 17 (Saturday) 

 From 10h45 to 12h

Teachers' Rooms

Teachers' Rooms are thematic talking sessions aimed at encouraging the dialogue among participants and their teaching experiences. 

Choose one the five rooms and join a conversation about:

(1) Music & Cinema;  (2) Inclusive Education; (3) Teaching Young Learners; (4) Culture; or (5) Diversities.

Have you ever worked with any of these themes? Tell us about it!

Did you create any teaching material (for example: handouts, board games, flash cards)? Please, bring it! 

Or are you just curious about the room theme? Join us! 

Room 1 - Music & Cinema 

This will be a place and a moment for sharing teachers’ experiences with their students in the classroom when taking Music & Cinema to the English class.

Facilitators: Danielle Almeida (UFPB) and Renata Gonçalves Gomes (UFPB)

Danielle is a Full Professor at the Department of Modern Foreign Languages (DLEM) at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil. Through her research in Visual Semiotics, she has been developing, for almost two decades, multimodal projects in scientific articles of national and international journals. She has recently started to expand her musical semiotic studies from a linguistic perspective that helps teachers, musicians, consumers, educators and researchers towards a more interpretative musical reading. She worked as the Brazilian representative of our northeastern region in the Latin American Systemic-Functional Linguistics Association (ALSFAL). Since 2008, she has been coordinating the Research Group of Visual Semiotics and Multimodality (GPSM).

Renata is a literature professor at Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), in João Pessoa. She has been an undergraduate student majoring in Cinema Studies at the same university since 2021. In the past, she carried out her master and doctoral degrees at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) on Brazilian literature and US literature, respectively. During her doctoral studies, she spent a year as an International Researcher at University of California, Berkeley (UCB). She has been researching since her early academic studies about US and Brazilian literatures, Gender Studies, Counterculture and Cinema.

Room 2 - Inclusive Education

Join us in making a difference: every student matters, every teacher counts. Let's share pedagogical practices and possibilities for creating accessible and inclusive learning environments for all.

Facilitator: Rosycléa Dantas (UFPB)

Rosycléa is a professor at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) and holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the same university. She is vice-coordinator of the Research Group Agir de Linguagem, Docência e Educação Inclusiva (ALDEI-CNPq). Her research focuses on the inclusive educational process, emphasizing ethical and affective aspects, and on teacher education and teaching work.

Room 3 - Teaching Young Learners 

In this room we will be sharing experiences, possibilities and challenges in teaching English to young learners.

Facilitator: Barbara Cabral Ferreira (UFPB)

Barbara is an Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics (PROLING) at the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB (2015) and a Master´s degree in Letras from the same institution (2007). She is a member of the following research groups: Programa Nacional de Letramentos (PNL – CNPq) and Letramento, Ensino e Ação Docente em Inglês (Leading – CNPq). Areas of interest: teacher education; English language teaching/learning  and multiliteracies.

Room 4 - Culture

Considering the question "What culture does the English language represent?" as the guiding theme for our Teacher’s Room, I would like to invite participants to reflect on and discuss how culture is represented in our English classrooms, whose culture gets to be visible or invisible in our teaching/learning experiences and materials, and how we can bring together the pluricultural dimensions of our students and those of the English speaking worlds.

Facilitator: Flávia Santos de Araújo (UFPB)

Flávia is a literary and cultural studies scholar, holding a PhD and master’s degree in African American studies from UMass Amherst (U.S.A.). Her research and teaching focus on African Diaspora literature and cultural production across the Americas, Women of Color feminisms, and decolonial studies. She is currently affiliated with the Department of Modern Languages (DLEM) at UFPB as an Assistant Professor. Flávia is also a mother, a poet, a percussionist, a dance-lover, and Oxum’s daughter.

Room 5 - Diversities

Framed under the umbrella term Diversities, the main theme encompassing all presentations in this room will be Intersectional experiences with language, gender, sexuality, race, and/or  social class in Brazilian school contexts.

Facilitator: Fábio Alexandre Silva Bezerra (UFPB)

Fábio has a doctorate in English Language and Applied Linguistics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Sydney (USYD). He completed his postdoctoral studies in Sociology at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), where he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages (DLEM) and a Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Linguistics (PROLING). Additionally, he leads GEPLAM – Research and Study Group in Systemic-Functional Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Multimodality/Multiliteracies (UFPB/CNPq). His main research emphasizes socio-identity differences in transdisciplinary, intersectional, and decolonial perspectives, critical multimodal discourse studies and multiliteracies.