E.1, Earth Systems, Structures and Processes 

8.E.1 Understand the hydrosphere and the impact of humans on local systems and the effects of the hydrosphere on humans. 

E.1.1 - The Hydrosphere

8.E.1.1 Explain the structure of the hydrosphere including:  Water distribution on earth  Local river basin and water availability.

E.1.2 - Marine Habitats

8.E.1.2 Summarize evidence that Earth’s oceans are a reservoir of nutrients, minerals, dissolved gases, and life forms:  Estuaries  Marine ecosystems  Upwelling  Behavior of gases in the marine environment  Value and sustainability of marine resources  Deep ocean technology and understandings gained.

EOG Questions - E.1.1

1.   Which best explains why all of the Earth’s freshwater is not available for human use? 

a.  Most of Earth’s freshwater is only in lakes. 

b.  Most of Earth’s freshwater is underground. 

c.  Most of Earth’s freshwater is still in the water cycle. 

d. Most of Earth’s freshwater is frozen water.


2.  Why is water from an aquifer more likely to be cleaner than water from other sources?  

a.  because it forms where fresh and salt water meet

b.  because it receives water directly from precipitation

c.  because it rises to the surface near the ocean

d. because pollutants are filtered by rock and soil deep within Earth


3.  What effect does the water cycle have on the total amount of water on Earth? 

a.  The total amount of water on Earth is constantly increasing. 

b.  The total amount of water on Earth is constantly decreasing. 

c.  The total amount of water on Earth remains relatively constant. 

d. The total amount of water on Earth changes due to periods of global warming and cooling.


4.  Which best describes the characteristics of a river basin? 

a.  the land at the mouth of a river where water flows into the ocean

b.  the land drained by a river and its tributaries

c.  the land formed as a result of a river flooding

  d.     the land formed when rivers create estuaries and marshes


5.  Where is most of Earth’s freshwater located? 

a.  in the clouds 

b.  in the ice caps 

c.  in the ocean 

d. in the ground

EOG Questions - E.1.2

1.   How would a large increase in the salinity of an estuary most likely affect the ecosystem of the estuary?

a.  All organisms would die. 

b.  All organisms would continue to live as they now do. 

c.  The number of salt-tolerant organisms would increase, and the number of salt-intolerant organisms would decrease. 

d. The number of salt-intolerant organisms would increase, and the number of salt-tolerant organisms would decrease


2.  How can upwellings improve fishing for ocean fishermen? 

a.  They cause the ocean water to get warmer. 

b.  They cause ocean currents to remain calm. 

c.  They bring nutrients from the cold, deep ocean waters. 

d. They bring ocean currents from the equator.


3.  Which will most likely result if there is increased upwelling in a coastal area?

a.  fewer nitrates

b.  higher water temperatures

c.  less nutrients in the water

d. more aquatic life


5.  If a lake has excess levels of phosphates and nitrates in its water, what will most likely result? 

a.  The temperature of the lake water will decrease. 

b.  The turbidity levels of the lake will decrease. 

c.  The dissolved-oxygen levels in the lake will increase. 

d. The growth of algae in the lake will increase.


E.1.3 - Water Safety

8.E.1.3 Predict the safety and potability of water supplies in North Carolina based on physical and biological factors, including: 

EOG Questions - E.1.3

1.   Which would indicate the water in a lake is not safe for drinking? 

a.  many varieties of fish in the lake 

b.  high dissolved-oxygen levels in the lake 

c.  cold water temperature of the lake 

d. high turbidity levels in the lake


2.  If a lake has excess levels of phosphates and nitrates in its water, what will most likely result? 

a.  The temperature of the lake water will decrease. 

b.  The turbidity levels of the lake will decrease. 

c.  The dissolved-oxygen levels in the lake will increase. 

d. The growth of algae in the lake will increase


3.  Which characteristic of water quality provides the most information regarding the health of a water system? 

a.  clarity  

b.  temperature 

c.  concentration of heavy metals 

d. presence of indicator species


4.  Which best determines the health of a lake used as a source of freshwater?

a.      its depth and width

b.      its location and depth

c.      its temperature and depth

d.     its temperature and pH


5.  If a body of water has high turbidity levels, what can most likely be concluded? 

a.  It has a low pH. 

b.  It is unsafe to drink. 

c.  It is too hot to drink. 

d. It contains a lot of chemicals.


6.  Which factors can have the greatest effect on the health of a river system?

a.  type of soil and salinity 

b.  nitrate levels and turbidity 

c.  human consumption and pH 

d. natural disasters and tidal changes

E.1.4 - Water Treatment

8.E.1.4 Conclude that the good health of humans requires:

EOG Questions - E.1.4

a.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 

b.  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

c.  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 

d. Center for Disease Control (CDC)

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