Businessman Topics

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Here we will have the topics specifically related to businessmen and their special requirements given to them by God as leaders of business enterprises. Click on the titles below to follow the link to these web-pages:

Diversification of Investments

Gift of Businessman "Giver"

Projects and Levites


Related Topics

Principle Joseph

Principle Joseph speaks of the creation of something that did not previously exist through the application of biblical principles. This has direct application to business entrepreneurs who create something out of nothing which becomes a blessing to others.

Goat and Mother's Milk

Note that the Jewish Topic of the Goat and Mother's Milk has direct application to investments. This revelation (found in the form of a parable) shows that finances intended for investment should not be mixed together with finances intended for consumption. If anyone will follow the revelation of this parable, it will not fail to cause them to prosper. This is particularly pertinent to believing businessmen who start and operate business enterprises.

Sowing in Good Soil

Note that the Jewish principle of Sowing in Good Soil has direct effect on the prosperity of a business enterprise started by a believer. If the businessman will honor God with the first-fruits of their increase then God will not fail to prosper them. But they should pay careful attention to the soil where they sow their tithes and offerings to God. These donations are intended by God to be given to real Fivefold Ministers and sowing into fake laymen preachers will cause the businessmen to reap a curse instead of a blessing. Also those businessmen who retain their tithes and offerings in their own foundation (setup for social projects) have not given them to God because they still retain control over them. Therefore they must release these funds into the Fivefold Ministry before they can experience the blessing of God that comes to those who give to God. The teaching topic Sowing into Good Soil is pertinent knowledge related to the prosperity and blessing of God upon believing businessmen and their business enterprises.