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Born Leader

Those who are assertive and aggressive and make decisions without hesitation have often been mistaken as being someone who is a "born" leader when such people are typically "Choleric" in temperament type and in fact are not best suited for leadership positions. Seldom does a choleric temperament type ever think through their decisions. Their great confidence is often derived from being unencumbered by knowledge of the subject (for which they utter such confident assertions)!

See the link "Temperament Types" for more details.

In fact, the ones who are born leaders are seldom those of the blustering over-confident "Choleric" type of nature.

Matthew 7:16 (NASB)

16 "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

This same principle can also be applied to identifying those who are gifted by God to be leaders. These have true leadership ability but seldom do these types of men belong to the choleric temperament type. Choleric temperament types are actually born as "facilitators" not as leaders.

A leader is one who is born with the fruit of leadership and this can be described as a gift of "forethought" or ability to see the future and perceive all of the necessary steps which must be accomplished in the present time frame in order to cause a group of people to arrive at a prescribed place or predicted result in the future.

This leadership ability can also be described as the ability to initiate "cause and effect" to instigate circumstances which will result in a prescribed result.

Principle Dan speaks of governing (or leadership) such that a leader can discern what steps must be taken in order to initiate "cause and effect" which will achieve a desired goal.

Genesis 49:17 (NASB)

17 "Dan shall be a serpent in the way, A horned snake in the path, That bites the horse's heels, So that his rider falls backward.

A serpent for example is largely helpless having no arms or legs. But by biting at the heels of a horse this can cause the horse to rear up and this results in the rider falling over backward. Thus a harmless snake without arms or legs (only a tube body) can make a rider fall to the ground.

This type of "cause and effect" can be seen in the deception of Eve which resulted in the man also eating the fruit together with his fallen wife. This has the result that the God-given dominion of humans was given over to Satan but Satan has no tool except the venom of deceit that comes out of his mouth. Satan used deception to great effect to cause the fall of mankind and then usurped their God-given authority for himself when the humans committed treason against God. Satan (the evil genius) was depicted as a serpent whose only weapon was the venom of deceit that comes out of his mouth. He can accomplish all of his goals only using deceit and lies as his only tools.

While Satan is an example of an evil genius who knows how to work the principle of "cause and effect" to fulfill his evil-agenda on earth, there are also men who are born with the gift of leadership who can see a future outcome and accomplish all of the necessary steps in the present which are needed to bring a group of people toward a predicted outcome.

Joseph was a good example of this because he saw what was coming for the future famine then he engineered a plan to prepare for the coming famine by storing grain in advance. Thus he was ready for the famine before it arrived. The wisdom of Joseph caused Egypt to rise up to be the richest nation on earth during his time because of his foresight and applied wisdom in advanced preparation.

See the link "Principle Dan" for more details.

Romans 12:8 (NLT2)

8 . . .If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. . .

The scripture above speaks of people having received different gifts from God and one of these gifts given to men is that of having leadership ability. If God has given a man leadership ability then he should take that responsibility seriously.

The way to discern if a man has leadership ability is the fruit that he produces. Joseph foresaw what was coming and was able to prepare for it in advance. This is the fruit of leadership to have foresight and knowledge of how to prepare in advance in order to place a group of people at an advantage and cause them to prosper in their future. Joseph saved the entire nation of Egypt (as well as people from all surrounding nations who came to Egypt to buy grain during the famine).

It should be noted that those who are created by God to follow and support are typically those who are deprived of the ability to see the big-picture and who do not have the foresight to prepare for it. Such people depend on a leader to know what they are to do and to receive job assignments.

This can also be seen in a marriage relationship because most women are deprived of the ability to see long-term goals and thus this deficiency within them causes them to depend upon their husbands to make leadership decisions in the home for them. When such women make their own decisions, they will typically go into the ditch because they do not have the foresight to know what decisions are necessary in the present to result in an improved and prosperous future for themselves.

In the same way that women typically have to depend on their husbands for leadership so the majority of ordinary people also must depend upon the leadership of someone gifted for leadership in order to guide them as a group toward a goal which will result in their own prosperity.

I have seen a few women who were gifted in business but I believe they were created by God to be a helpmeet and support of a husband who is involved in business. These strong-willed women typically marry the most passive men (who are the puppy-dog types) who look to her like a child looks to his mother for direction. Such a relationship is never good because it is abnormal for a woman to have leadership over a man and have a "eunuch beta-male" following and serving her in a child/mother type of perverse type of marriage relationship.

The main point I want to make is that God creates deficiencies and weaknesses within people for the purpose that they will work together. Most of the people will therefore be deprived of the foresight and wisdom that a man born for leadership possesses. This is a gift of God that few men are born with but these are the very men that are needed as leaders by large groups of people. If they all work together under the leadership of a gifted man (like Joseph was) then they will end up prospering as a group in their future.