I Found the Easiest FACELESS YOUTUBE NICHE (entirely with AI!)


24,862 views  11 Nov 2023  #youtubeautomation #sidehustle #makemoneyonline

In this video I'm going to show you how to make motivational and inspirational philosophical stoicism videos. These videos are entirely made with AI. With this simple method you can start your own faceless YouTube channel and begin earning serious money, every month!

The Marcus voice:

👉 Elevenlabs: https://try.elevenlabs.io/95hhpven97ac

I grew my faceless YouTube channel from 0 to 70.000 subscribers in 4 months and I made a course on how I did this. So, if you want to start your own successful faceless YouTube channel, check it out! 👉 https://bit.ly/AI-pocalypse_Course

Link to my 8 minute version:


 • 9 Stoic Lessons to Guide You Through ...  

Leonardo AI prompt:

"A detailed statue of a muscular bearded man, full body, in stoicism ancient greek style. The statue's clothing drapes elegantly over one shoulder, and the dark background contrasts sharply with the statue, making it the focal point. The craftsmanship of the statue is exquisite, revealing meticulous details in both the facial features and the attire. The overall ambiance of the image is dramatic, emphasized by the play of light and shadow. Wide shot."

ChatGPT prompt:

"I’m going to give you a bunch of information about stoicism. I want you to rewrite this in the exact same style and layout as a reference text I’m going to give you. 

Please create it in the same style and layout as the reference text. Make sure to create a similar hook and intro, middle part end ending of the text. The text should be about 12 valuable Stoic lessons, with a similar structure, choice of words and style as the reference. Please use the reference text as a template to maintain consistency in style and formatting. The script should be around 2000 words long and cover the Stoic lessons thoroughly.

Here is the information:

Here is the reference text:"


#facelessyoutubechannelideas #sidehustle #makemoneyonline #youtubeautomation 


Please note that I am not a certified financial or career advisor. The information provided on this channel is solely for entertainment purposes. My personal achievements are the result of hard work and dedication, and your individual results may vary. These outcomes should not be considered typical or guaranteed. It's important to understand that I cannot make any promises or guarantees regarding your specific situation. Some links in the video description may be affiliate links, which means that if you click on them and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. This commission comes directly from the company and has no impact on you. These affiliate links enable me to continue creating free content on YouTube. While the content shared in my videos is accurate and reflects my knowledge as of the recording date, I cannot guarantee its accuracy at a later time.