Smart pronounce

What is smart pronounce?

  • Depending on one’s mother tongue, learners may struggle with pronouncing certain sounds.

  • For example, Chinese learners often replace “th” with “sz” (e.g. the = szuh), while Koreans may replace “th” with “td” (e.g. the = tdoh)

  • This is where Speakeasy’s speech recognition engine differs from those currently available on the marketplace. Speakeasy’s machine learning model is trained to identify these common pronunciation errors that are unique to various mother tongue languages.

  • The algorithm automatically flags any repeated mistakes and provides the user with “Quick Hints” (during gameplay). After gameplay, the user is prompted to try phonics lessons that demonstrate that particular sound.

why is this valuable?

  • Students mispronounce sounds often because they unable to physically create the sound or they cannot identify it as a mistake in the first place. SmartPronounce fills this gap and essentially takes on the role of a native English-speaking pronunciation teacher.

how it works

Quick Hints

During gameplay, "Quick Hints" will be triggered when the same pronunciation errors are repetitively produced.

Quick Hints are videos (audio and visual) that explain the pronunciation in the user's mother tongue.


Within each phonics lesson, the user will:

  1. Watch a video

  2. Listen and repeat

  3. Speak, record, and listen to themselves