
The future of mobile language learning

About the author

This website was created in 2022 by Aaron Chan as part of the Master of Educational Technology program at the University of British Columbia (ETEC 523). Aaron holds a Bachelors in Commerce in Management Information Systems, and has a background in implementing eCommerce and Marketing systems for Fortune 500 companies across 3 continents.

Aaron designed this application based on his experience teaching English as a Foreign Language in South Korea, Taiwan and China. To get connected, see the About page.

Forecasting mobile language learning

When imagining the future of technology, it often seems that "seeing is believing." As such, I've decided to create a prototype to illustrate how the future's mobile technological advances can address today's educational challenges in language learning. Through the combination of mobile, AI and speech recognition technology, Speakeasy is a demonstration of how mobile apps can be used learning how to orally converse in the English language. This site is a Proof of Concept, and describes my design intentions for this app:

      • The Features: Key features and wireframe mockups

      • The Research: Rationale and studies that guided and inspired this design.

the problem

    • Of the four core language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), listening and speaking are typically the weakest for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners (i.e. students that do not live in English-speaking communities)

    • Although this cloud-based application can also be made available via desktop, a mobile application affords flexibility, lower device costs, and mobile notifications to encourage habitual learning

    • Speaking often requires a partner that may or may not be available. Speakeasy is always one click away

    • Non-native English teachers may not have the ability to produce correct pronunciation

    • Understandably, many users lack confidence when learning a new language, and classroom settings are less than ideal learning environments. Speakeasy allows users to learn in privacy

    • Many commercially available learning apps do not allow educators to input their own lesson content, thereby preventing them from incorporating the technology into their curriculum

the Solution

    • An app that builds English listening and pronunciation skills

    • Designed for EFL students

    • Uses a speech recognition engine powered by AI to identify and correct pronunciation

    • Features two modes of access:

      • Student mode: Engage in free and paid lesson material created by Speakeasy

      • Teacher mode (paid): Create custom lessons and leverage Speakeasy’s AI model