The 5 Essential Functions of the Church
Build a Ministry Focused on Kingdom Priorities
By Randy Turpin
In most of our churches, we are busy doing many good things, but are we doing the essential things? Are we doing what Christ commissioned us to do--the things that really matter?
This course identifies the five essential functions of the church, and it correlates those functions with the five-fold leadership gifts of Ephesians 4: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher.
As these functions are described, your place in the church's ministry will become clear. As a congregational leader, you will also perceive where organizational modifications might be needed. You will gain clarity on how to facilitate a positive developmental experience for every person who walks through the doors of your church. Here you will find a valuable way to evaluate the overall health of congregational systems.
This course is free, and you can work at your own pace. In fact, you can start right now! A limited number of additional one-on-one mentoring sessions are available upon request.
© 2020 J. Randolph Turpin, Jr.