
Homework is an important part of the curriculum. You can expect to have homework on each night from Monday through Thursday.

How is homework evaluated?

Each completed assignment will be evaluated on four factors. The four factors are:

  • Completion: All parts of the week's homework assignments are complete and include your name and the date.

  • Effort: The homework is completed to the best of your ability. Your homework should show evidence of the time and thought you put into your work.

  • Neatness: The work is completed in your neatest handwriting and with care.

  • Timeliness: Your homework was turned in on the assigned date.

What if I forget my homework?

It is your responsibility as a 5th grader to make sure you have everything you need to complete your homework before you leave school each day. Similarly, it is your job to check your homework folder when you get home, complete all assignments, and put all of your work back in your backpack. The logical consequence for not completing your assignments or remembering to bring them in is to complete them the following night, or over the weekend and return them on Monday. This usually happens to everyone at least a couple times throughout the school year, so you should not feel upset or embarrassed if it happens to you.

What if I get home and I realize I don't understand something?

If you are having difficulty with an assignment, it is okay to ask an adult or older sibling for help. If you are still feeling confused after getting help, please write a note (either right on the homework or on a sticky note) so that I know to work with you on the tricky parts.

How much homework will I have?

You can expect to have about 20-30 minutes of math homework each night Monday-Thursday. In addition, you are expected to actively read (making connections, questioning, inferring, summarizing) for at least 20 minutes five nights each week. Occasionally there will be Social Studies and/or Science homework to complete and a few long-term assignments will be due over the course of the year.

Tips for Completing Your Homework:

  • Try to complete your homework at the same time each afternoon/evening.

  • Set up a consistent workspace that is separate from any distractions.

  • Keep supplies in your workspace that will assist in completing your work, such as extra pencils, erasers, and a dictionary.

  • Check off the assignments you complete in your assignment book as you finish them.

  • Break bigger, long-term assignments into smaller chunks (we will work on this in class a lot).