Fear Not! Escape to Egypt and Jesus Grows Older

Jesus was God's plan to rescue His people. He would save God's people and take the punishment for their sin. When news spread to the king that God's people had a new leader he was not happy. He set out to destroy Jesus, but God made a way for Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus to escape into Egypt.

Follow up at home…

Read Find Matthew 2:1-23 and read the story of the wise men and Jesus going to Egypt.

Talk God knew that from the very beginning Jesus would be in danger, but he still sent his son because he loves us so much. Think about the things and people you love the very most. Would you be willing to send them to danger like Jesus faced? Wow, God must love us a lot if he was willing to send his Son to die to rescue us! 

Do Pray together and thank God for sending his Son, Jesus. 

Worship Songs

Fear Not 

by Ellie Holcomb

Light's Always Stronger 

by Ellie Holcomb

All Hail The King

by Clear Creek Community Church

Joy To The World

by Clear Creek Community Church

The Story of Christmas (Jesus and the Wise Men)