We have promoted in Children's Ministry!!!

If you are heading to 6th grade in the fall - we want to encourage you to check out what Student Ministry is up to this summer! 

Love Everyone… Even Those Who Are “Sus”

Luke 22:21

But behold, the hand of him who betrays me is with me on the table.


Luke 6:27

“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you"

Video Lesson

Today we learned Jesus not only taught us to love everyone, including our enemies, but He modeled it for us with someone who was “sus”: Judas.

Think About It

1.  If we are truly honest, then we must agree with Jesus that it really is easy to love and be kind to others when there is something in it for us.

 Can you give an example of what this might look like for you or someone in your grade?


2.  What are some types of people that are hard for you to love?


3.  Have you heard the phrase “Hurting people hurt people”? If that is true, how can that help you to show kindness and compassion to mean people?


4.  If we’re honest, we look in the mirror and can see a mean person. Think of an example of someone who showed you kindness or love when you were not showing it to others.


5.  We can all make praying for others who annoy us or are our enemies a priority.

 You can set a reminder on your device or put up a sticky note in your room or locker to remind you to be praying for them.

6.  What are some actions we can do to show love, kindness, and compassion to others when they are our enemies, and it is hard?


Action Items

1.  How are you going to try to love others this week?

2.  What is one specific action you are going to take this week to love everyone - even those who are “sus” - like Jesus taught and modeled?

3.  If you are going to camp this week, how can you love and serve others - everyone?  How can you get along with and truly show love for those that are annoying, or mean, or just not like you?


This Is Amazing Grace

Phil Wickham

Glorious Day
