Grading Policy

This is the first year of letter grades on report cards. I believe students need to feel confident while they transition into these letter grades. If students receive great grades this year, they are more focused to continue in the upcoming years!

Our district uses Infinite Campus to communicate grades toward report cards. I update this often. Please check this often and help your child build the communication and persistence needed to succeed. (If you do not have your login and password, contact the Jacks Valley office.)

As a 3rd grader, if you don't like the grade received on an assignment, simply correct and turn it back in for full credit! Every assignment that comes back in the PeeChee (Thursdays), correct it and turn it back in! Every math assignment, Words Their Way, etc.! When the effort is made, the grade will be more rewarding! Corrections can be made at anytime prior to the end of the grading period.

A bit of a side note - I hope every student will understand that with a little more effort in the early stages of assignments, they will not have to spend extra time correcting work. I love seeing kids understand this concept! And the earlier, the better!