Plenary Speaker

Dr Giang Nguyen is a Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the University of Adelaide. Her research interests include stochastic differential equations, Markov-modulated Brownian motions, stochastic fluid flows, matrix-analytic methods, branching processes, and the Hamiltonian cycle problem. She received a PhD from the University of South Australia in 2009, and completed her postdoctoral studies at the Universite libre de Bruxelles (2009-2012) and at the University of Adelaide (2012-2013). She was the inaugural Treasurer of the Australian Mathematical Society Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG) (2013-2018), and is currently the Director of Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, the University of Adelaide. She is a 2019 South Australia Tall Poppy Winner.

Convergence of stochastic processes


Limit theorems are useful as often one can use the approximating mathematical objects to gain insight about the limiting ones. In this talk, we consider stochastic fluid processes and Markov-modulated Brownian motion, and show that the former converge to the latter both weakly and strongly.