The 36th Annual & 8th International Congress of Tanta Faculty of Medicine
COVID-19 and its Impact on Public Health
26th -28th May, 2021
Anesthesia, Surgical Intensive care and Pain Medicine
Anesthesia, Surgical Intensive care and Pain Medicine Department
Anesthesia, Surgical Intensive care and Pain Medicine Department
Department Organizing Committee
Department Organizing Committee
Hala Elgendy
Hala Elgendy
Head of Department
Assisstant Prof.
Sameh Abdelkhalik
Sameh Abdelkhalik
Prof. Kamal Hekal
Prof. Abdelraheem Dowidar
Prof. Salah Alsherif
Prof. Ahmed Saber
Dr. Mona Blough El Morad
Dr. Mohamed Elsayed Afandy
Prof. Ayman Abd Al-maksoud Yousef
Dr. Ahmed Essam Salm
Prof. Ghada Elbaradey
Dr. Sameh Abdelkhalik Ahmed
Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mady
Prof. Sohair Soliman
Session Program
Session Program
Session Recordings
Session Recordings