Cities of Catalonia

Catalonia is an autonomous community of Spain. It is divided into 4 provinces: Barcelona, ​​Tarragona, Girona and Lleida. Located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.

The total area of ​​Catalonia is 32114 km2. They speak Catalan, Spanish and Occitan. The capital of the autonomous community is the city of Barcelona.

A distinctive feature of Catalonia is its historical value. The first inhabitants to settle on the territory of the modern community were Iberians. In 600 BC Greeks settled here. In 217 BC the Greeks had to fight for their settlement with the Romans invading this land. After the territory there were still many ancient nations.

In 988, land independence was proclaimed. This period is considered the year of birth of Catalonia. In the XII century, the county became part of the Kingdom of Aragon. Over the following years, Catalonia tried to become an independent state. In 1979 received an autonomous status.

It is such a rich historical past that has left in Catalonia many interesting sights that attract the attention of tourists.

Climate and nature of Catalonia

Mostly in Catalonia there is a mild Mediterranean climate with hot summers and fairly warm winters. Such weather conditions are characteristic of the Mediterranean coast: Costa Brava, Barcelona, ​​Costa del Maresme, Costa Dorada and Costa del Garraf. If we talk about the Pyrenees and the foothills, there is a fairly cool summer, and winters are accompanied by heavy snowfalls.

Given these features of the climate of Catalonia, one can judge the richness of its nature. On the coast there are many varieties of palm trees, as well as lilies, agaves and prickly pears. The mountain slopes are also ready to surprise with their vegetation, such as oak and pine forests, maquis.

Also in Catalonia there are many national parks, protected areas. This is the Ebro River Delta, Cape Cap de Creus, Aiguamolls del Ampurda Natural Park, as well as the island of Medas. One of the most important natural areas is the Ebro River Delta. It has a very rich and diverse nature, an interesting fauna.

What to see in Catalonia

Of course, the nature of Catalonia can pleasantly surprise anyone who flew here for the first time. But staying here, I want to make my vacation as bright and diverse as possible. That is why you should take care to see the most famous sights of Catalonia. Their list may include:

Rambla Boulevard is the most famous street in Spain. There is always an atmosphere of celebration and fun. The boulevard is pedestrian, so guests of Catalonia will be able to enjoy its full beauty;

Gothic quarter - considered the main medieval attraction;

Casa Batlló and House of Mila are unique architectural structures that fascinate with their beauty;

Dali's house-museum is a whole fabulous labyrinth made in the style of Dali;

the cathedrals of Barcelona, ​​Girona and Tarragona;

Salvador Dali Museum;

Park Guell - a real fairy tale, which everyone can get into;

Barcelona Aquarium - a unique exhibition represented by 14 separate ecosystems.

These are not all the attractions that you should visit while staying in Catalonia. But looking through their list, one can already understand how great its cultural and historical wealth is.

As for entertainment, their diversity can also surprise. Tourists are offered the following:

beach vacation;

water sports;

visiting parks and zoos;

visit to water parks;

mountain tourism;


attendance of carnivals and theatrical performances.

The time spent in Catalonia will not pass in vain.

Events and Holidays in Catalonia

Catalonia is famous all over the world for its many holidays and traditions. Lush celebrations, carnivals and festivals are constantly held here. Regardless of the time you visit Catalonia, in any case, you will be able to become a member of one of its holidays. Special attention should be paid to such events as:

international film festival;

Festival of St. Narcissus;

feast of the body of the Lord;

St. Juan's Day;

feast of St. Peter.

You should also pay attention to the interesting tradition of Catalonia. On Sundays, people gather in the squares near the churches and just dance. The dance is called sardana - it is quite simple, but still has its own characteristics.

The most important event is Festa Major. In the days of its holding, stylized competitions, fairs and concerts are organized. Celebrations are distinguished by special splendor and brightness.

Cities of the region:


Barcelona in Spain - everything a tourist needs to know! Barcelona - the real gem of Spain, is the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia, as well as the province of the same name. The city has become one of the largest ports on ...


The city of Girona in Spain is all that a tourist needs to know! Girona is located in the north-east of Spain, is part of the autonomous community of Catalonia, the center of the province of the same name. The city is attractive for tourists ...


The city of Calella in Spain is all that a tourist needs to know! Calella is a municipality in Spain that is part of the Catalonia community in the province of Barcelona. The city has a very small area - only ...


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Tarragona is a city in Spain that is part of the province of the same name, which is part of the autonomous region of Catalonia. Despite its small area, the town plays an important role for Spain. Fill list of the cities of Catalonia.

Although Catalan cuisine has its own unique taste and aroma, it is still part of the Mediterranean gastronomic tradition with its three classic ingredients - flour, oil and wine - and the influence of the East and the New World.

The selection of food for dishes depends on the landscape: in the highlands they use meat (for example rabbit conill amb allioli), cheese, sausages (botifarra amb mongetes) and vegetables “from the garden” (escalivada), in coastal areas - fish with rice, noodles or potatoes .

In Catalonia, several types of local sweets and pastries, mainly from marzipan (panellets, massapà) or cream (crema cremada, menjar blanc).

As an important addition to the main dishes and dessert, a glass of Catalan wine is served - red, white, pink table or just dessert (ranci).

In China, the oldest cities arose in the Yellow River Valley. These were the capitals of individual states that constantly fought with each other. In some periods, almost the entire valley was under the rule of one emperor, and then the capital reached a huge size. So, Sanyang, the capital of the state of Qin, has about 1 million inhabitants, and the perimeter of the walls of this city reached 100 km. Much attention was paid to the tombs of emperors, which were to serve for the eternal afterlife. So, the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuandi occupies a huge area, it contains more than 5 thousand figures of soldiers and horses made of clay in full size. Tight regulation, characteristic of Chinese society, was also reflected in the construction of cities.

In Confucian treatises of the 4th century BC e. it is said that the city should have a square plan, nine latitudinal and nine meridional streets, internal walls with a perimeter of 6 km and external walls with a perimeter of 14 km. In the central quarter of the inner city, rulers and their entourage should live, in the remaining quarters - ordinary residents of 100 people each. in each. Between the inner and outer walls were gardens and vegetable gardens. The total population of such a typical city was to be 3,500, and it was supposed to serve (control) a territory with a radius of 12 km.