60th Anniversary Reunion 2026

Planning is underway to organise the 60th Anniversary Reunion to be held at Christchurch, Fri 9 - Sat 10 January 2026.

Details are published below as they come to hand. Latest update is at the bottom of this page.

Any volunteers - please contact the Webmaster, link below.

See also the list of those planning to attend below.

Planning to Attend

(This helps with planning)

If you are planning to attend please email garydanvers@gmail.com or contact the Webmaster linked below or davebryant@telus.net
Include your partner's name, if also attending.

2 Bruce Abel & June

2 Glenn Blomfield & Ann

1 Peter Browne (Rowsell)

2 Dave Bryant & Irene

1 Frank Burlingham

2 Bob Cox & Dot

2 John Cox & Ann

2 Brian Coulter & Jan

2 Ross Craig & Lorraine

2 Gary Cullen & Margaret

1 Gary Danvers

1 Kerry Duncan

2 Stu Ellis & Kaye

1 Tom Forrest

2 Kelly Fountaine & Val

2 Paul Garvin & Sally

1 Keith Hatton

2 Gordon Hay & Joy

2 John Herd & Rosie

1 Bruce Holm

2 Brian Holmes & Lesley

2 Ali Iggo & Judith

2 Warwick 'Flea' Jones and Gerarda 'Gina' Peeters

2 Bob Kavanagh & Marilyn

2 Barry Lennox & Dianne

2 Jeff Mathews & Cherry

2 Paul Maurenbrecher & Carole

1 Warren Nash

1 Cliff Parker

2 Dave Penny & Kim

2 Graham & Doris Smith

2 Ken Sowerby & Lynne 

2 Murray Taylor & Sue

2 John 'Joe' Wilson & Ruth


59 attending to date.

Not attending:

Janet & Jeff Ford

Lynne & Ric Lydford

2026 ACS Reunion Committee
(See the Contact your mates page for email addresses)


Dave Bryant

Contact Trackers

Jeff Mathews

Kerry Duncan

Gary Danvers

ACS List Manager

Gary Danvers

Website Managers

Dave Bryant

Gary Danvers

Canterbury Events Manager

Barry Lennox - Organising venues and costs.

Cliff Parker - Volunteer assistant.


Gary Danvers

Brian Coulter

Latest Update

24 Mar 2023 - Email Addresses

Organising the 60th anniversary reunion is well under way thanks to Barry, but the organisers are running into a problem. As fast as we track down folk (an arduous task for which we have formed a separate committee) we lose contact with someone else when they change ISP (Internet Service Provider) if they have an ISP or workplace dependent email address and don't notify us. 

May we suggest that those that don't have one already, get an individual non ISP dependent email address. Here are a few options: 

Create a Gmail account


Outlook / Hotmail


If this applies to you, please email garydanvers@gmail.com and davebryant4@icloud.com with your new email address once set up. 

4 Dec 2022 -  Cliff Parker

Cliff joined the Reunion Committee volunteering to assist with reunion planning.

Planning - Barry Lennox 4 Dec 2022:

I have made all the important bookings, the Hornby Club for the 2 important events and have a good relationship with the RNZAF Museum OIC and staff. Talking with the OIC a few nights ago, one of the conference rooms at the Museum could be better than the Hornby club, and they can provide meet'n'greet catering. So, it could be better to move that to the Museum, but there's plenty of time yet. 

As of now, we have 14 attending,  plus most partners (I presume). We will need to refine event details as the numbers firm up, but that may of course be quite late, even just weeks beforehand.

The 1962 ACS/No 1 CET entry just had their 60th reunion last ANZAC weekend, they had about 35 coming, but a few dropped out due to Covid, including the organiser, Brian Hill. Their events were almost identical to what we have planned , except they took advantage of the 3 day weekend and spread the events out more, as well as attending ANZAC services. 

They had planned a couple of functions, and accomodation for some, at the No 1 Officers Mess, but 3 weeks before it went into receivership!!  This is about the 5th time this has occurred!  I see that it's back in business now, under new management, but I don't have a lot of faith. 

Costs are unknown, but WILL be greater with rampant inflation, and might be a deterrent for some. The Hornby club has a major refurb, and the cost of a buffet dinner in a private room has jumped from $10 per head in a year.


Advertising - Gary Danvers, 3 Dec 2022:

I went to create an event on the ACS Facebook page yesterday only to discovered that the Event Manager won't accept anything more than two years in advance, so I've placed a link to this page on the Facebook Timeline in the meantime.

Closer to the time, Barry plans to advertise with the RNZAF News, the RNZAFA magazine and with the RSA.

Planning - Barry Lennox, 12 May 2022:

Events have been booked at the Hornby Club.


9 & 10 Jan 2026


The Hornby Club

17 Carmen Rd

Ph: 03 349 9026




Planning - Barry Lennox, 8th May 2022:

The bones of a plan. i.e.:

I'll start on fleshing out the details over the next few months. Things like:

Also, at the 50th, we had mementos made, the etched glass drink coasters. Should we do something for the 60th? 

Email ideas to Barry: btr.lennox@gmail.com