
This photograph is of Muhammad Ali, and the photo was taken by Thomas Hoepker 

The subject of the photo is his hand, where we can see the details like the wrinkles and the texture.

The form makes his fist look bigger than his head, which makes a more interesting photo.

He did this by having the fist closer to the lens than the head.

Even though his face is out of focus, his features are distinct so we can easily tell who it is.

The noise in the out of focus areas suggest the photographer used a high ISO.

The knuckles are in focus while the face is slightly out of focus suggesting the photographer used a wider aperture. He did this because the fist is the main subject of the photo.

The negative space has been used to make Ali almost a silhouette with the fist closer to the camera. This also makes a distinct shape.

The photo is in black and white to show more texture and tone.

The subject of this photo is a hand under falling water.

The lighting comes from the top, where the water is coming from. It is easy to tell this because the highlights are on top of the hand and the shadows are underneath.

The focus is on the palm of the hand, as most of the fingers are out of focus as well as the wrist.

The wet and shiny texture of the hand highlights the lighting of the photo.

Mood board

Plan for hands
