Phase 2 Bid Application

Comprehensive Host Community Bid Proposal

Once the Technical Review process has been completed, the Review Committee will move to Phase 2 of the evaluation process and the SGC will invite the selected communities to participate in the Comprehensive Host Community Bid process.  The intent of this process is to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of Saskatchewan Games bid proposals submitted by the communities that emerge from Phase 1. 

Review Process

Comprehensive Bid Requirements

Communities that move to Phase 2 will be asked to prepare and submit a formal Comprehensive Bid Proposal to the Saskatchewan Games Council.  The preferred method of submission is via electronic means.  

The deadline to submit your community's Phase 2 Bid Application is January 15, 2024. 

The following are required as part of the Comprehensive Bid:

As an introduction to your Comprehensive Bid Application, please include the following information:

Due to the size and scope of the Saskatchewan Games, Municipal support is critical to the success of the Games. Please describe the type of support your Municipality is prepared to commit to the Host Organization. 


Please include the following formal Resolutions:

Please provide a list of major events hosted by your community in the past four years or to be hosted in the next two years. Please indicate the following for each event:

To stage a successful Saskatchewan Games, the Host Organization Board of Directors will need to recruit, train and manage approximately 1,000 community volunteers.  Please provide evidence that the volunteer support required to plan and deliver a Saskatchewan Games is attainable. 

A projected Capital and Operating budget for hosting the Games should be prepared and submitted as part of the bid package.  The budget documents should include the anticipated revenue for the event from public, private, and corporate sponsors.


The following points should be noted with respect to funding for the event:


The SGC will provide financial assistance of up to $550,000 to the host community toward the overall operation of the Games. In addition, the SGC will provide up to $250,000 in a matching Capital Legacy Grant. Provision of the funding will be made in two installments to the Host Corporation.  Please include a description of the methods/means to match the $250,000 Legacy Grant from sources other than the SGC hosting grant.


Although each community is unique and budgets can fluctuate significantly based on Capital projects, the budget for the operating expenses of the 2023 Saskatchewan Winter Games was approximately $2.3 million. A budget template will be sent out prior to Phase 2 applications to assist in consistent preparation of the financial information section.

As a goal to reduce the carbon footprint for the Games, the bid should provide an explanation of initiatives that the host community may adopt to consider the environment.  Examples could be related to recycling initiatives, waste reduction, decreased water consumption, and energy efficiencies.

The host community is responsible for the internal transportation of the participants during the Games. This includes transportation of the athletes, coaches and major officials to and from their Games residences, their respective sport venues and other related events, such as the opening and closing ceremonies. Transportation for athletes with a disability will also be required. 


The SGC, in cooperation with the nine Districts, is responsible for all participant external transportation to and from the host community, except for the participants in the hosting District. The participants in the host District will be responsible for their own transportation costs and arrangements.

There are several organizations that can assist with specific aspects relating to the Bid Application and the staging of the Games. They include: