Benefits of Hosting the Saskatchewan Games


Legacies from the Saskatchewan Games include new facilities, upgrades to existing facilities, new sport equipment, sport, athlete, coach and official development, volunteer skill development, enhanced community cohesion and pride, and financial legacies that can be reinvested back into the community. 

Economic and Tourism Impact

The Saskatchewan Games brings significant economic impact to each community that hosts the Games. The direct spending of participants and visitors of the host community varies from community to community. Previous Saskatchewan Games have brought upwards of 5,000 spectators from outside the community, many of whom may not have ever visited the community before. The 2016 Saskatchewan Summer Games in Estevan generated an estimated economic impact of $8 million and the 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games in North Battleford generated an estimated economic impact of $3.5 million, as calculated by STEAM (Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model). The most recent Saskatchewan Winter Games, which took place in Regina during February of 2023, is currently undergoing a STEAM analysis.

Financial Support

The Saskatchewan Games Council (SGC) will provide a Hosting Grant of $550,000 to the host community. In addition, the SGC provides a Games Legacy Grant of up to $250,000 that must be matched from sources other than the SGC Hosting Grant.


The SGC may receive sponsorship and resources from partnerships with provincial corporations and businesses that are shared with the host community. These contracts are negotiated annually, and more information will be provided to the successful host community.   

Asset and In-Kind Support

The SGC has established a substantial number of assets and services that are passed on from Games to Games.


Item Value ($)

Bunk beds with 9 Sea Cans 75,000

Registration/Accreditation/Results programs 32,000

Saskatchewan Games website, branding 10,000

and marketing support

Saskatchewan Games Mascots 10,000

Medical treatment beds 9,000

Display Banners 5,000

Medal Podiums 5,000

Relay Torches 2,000

Other (Laptops, iPads, laminators, 2-way radios) 4,000

Flags 2,000

Total Assets and In-Kind Support $154,000