Daily Camp Schedule


Parent's Briefing


Camp Schedule

Students are expected to arrive between 8 and 8:55AM in the mornings.  At 8:55 AM, NMSA doors will be locked.

If your student is sick, parents need to send email to spcyw-nm@lanl.gov

Breakfast items and snacks will be available at the Camp

1-SPCYW-24 schedule.v1.xlsx - Week Schedule-2023.v3-2.pdf
1-SPCYW-24 schedule.v2.xlsx - Week Schedule-2023.v3-3.pdf


Physics Camp Menu.pdf








Participant FORMS

In the camp application, you filled out several forms electronically. The organizers of this camp are passionate volunteers and the safety of your student and enjoyment of the camp is our most important goal. We will be doing many activities that are often not done at school like visiting Los Alamos National Laboratory, soldering, electromagnetism, or building circuits and we need to be ready to assist you and your student in short notice. Because, we need to fund raise to bring this camp for free to the families, we also need to write reports and document the camp (take pictures). For that reason, we ask that you review, sign, and transmit (email attachment to spcyw-nm@lanl.gov) and bring the paper copies of those documents signed the first day of the camp (attached). If you don’t have access to a printer, please send email to spcyw-nm@lanl.gov and request the “SAGE participant Forms” be sent to you by USPS mail  and provide with an address and we will send to you Thursday 5/29/24

En la applicacion al campo, su familia firmo varios documentos electronicamentes. Los organiadores del camp so voluntaries apasionados y la seguridad y disfrute del campo es nuestra mission. Haremos muchas actividades con su estudiante que a menudo no se hacen en la escuela como visitor Los Alamos National Laboratory, soldar, electromagnetismo, contruir circuitos electronicos y debemos asistir a su estudiante y la familia si qualquier incidente ocurre. Tenemos que tomar fotos durante el campo, documentar y escribir reportes para poder pedir dinero para que este campo sea gratuito para todos los estudiantes. Por esta razon les pedimos que lean, firmen y envien por correo electronico (to spcyw-nm@lanl.gov) el document adjunto y lo traigan firmado el primer dia del campo. Anna Llobet (allobet@lanl.gov, 505-6651367) esta disponible para traducirles el documento si es necesario]  

SPCYW SAGE Participant Forms 2024.pdf


500 Montezuma Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87501

2022-23 School Map A & B (1).pdf