Quest #3: The New SIMville

SIMville is THE site for active SIM Professional Developers. Access to SIMville is one benefit of a current "Strateworks" subscription. Stay active by attending a SIM Update Conference every two years. Conference registration usually includes access to your StrateWorks benefits. Your Quest Questions are below the screenshot of the new SIMville. SIMville is ALWAYS under construction so check back periodically.

  1. Log into SIMville: Password: Strategic_*2022 (words are case sensitive, be sure to capitalize)

  2. Look up your favorite Learning Strategy or Content Enhancement Routine to see all of the resources available. Locate the research information.

  3. Note the new Fusion Reading section.

  4. Locate the search bar in the orange section at the top of the page on the right. Search "Checklists". Take a look at one of the fillable form checklists.

  5. Use the search bar to find a video of Tim Shanahan discussing Disciplinary Literacy.

  6. Do you have a resource that would be helpful to your fellow SIM Professional Developers that you would be willing to share? Locate the link to the Resource Sharing Checklist on the SIMville homepage.

  7. Click on the PD Resources section. Explore a section of interest to you.

  8. Find the Link to Report Professional Development Sessions and the Blank SIM PowerPoint Template in the Forms and Logos section.

  9. Find the video HLPs (High Leveragy Practices and SIM i Kentucky with Tricia Bronger in the Video section.

  10. Locate the Marzano and SIM Crosswalk in the SIM Alignments section.