Quest #7: Edge

Edge Enterprises is one publisher of print and digital SIM materials, authored by researchers at KUCRL. The CRL also publishes print and digital SIM materials (Quest #8). McGraw-Hill is the publisher for Fusion Reading (one of two reading programs under the SIM umbrella).

  1. Click on the EDGE PRODUCTS tab and select one of the categories (Learning Strategies or Content Enhancement) that is of interest to you. Open the "View the products in this set" link.

  2. Examine the research page for Proficiency in Sentence Writing or Question Exploration. Note that the Edge website includes research summaries for almost all SIM instructional tools and interventions (even those published by the CRL).

  3. Save the current Edge order form to your computer. It is updated periodically, and active SIM Professional Developers are notified through email about any order form revisions.