Virtual Etiquette

Sound: Please choose a location with minimal background noise; mute yourself when you are not speaking.

Earphones are a good idea if you are by yourself and especially if you have multiple devices in the room on the same meeting to avoid feedback.

Video: It is recommended if your situation allows, to enable video as an encouragement to the other saints to see your face (1 Thes 2:17). Take care of the conscience of others and ensure that nothing inappropriate is shown on your video. This includes your attire and items that may be in the room. If you are using a virtual background option on Zoom select something that is not distracting. If your video is disabled please select an appropriate image for your user profile.

Singing: It is best if one group/person is unmuted while others sing on mute. Singing with your entire being even on mute is a great way to encourage one another even though you can’t be heard. After a song has concluded you can unmute to declare lines from the song and praising the Lord.

Prayer: With the sound delay in virtual meetings, “Amens” are delayed so it’s good to say an amen early and quickly when others are praying. For those praying, it may be good to pause a little between sentences to allow others to say amen.

Reading: Due to sound delay, reading in tandem doesn’t work very well and should be limited. When reading in groups conclude your turn by calling on the next person in your group to read.

Enjoy: Let’s exercise to enjoy the Lord in all things in this limitation, particularly, as we learn together how to meet together virtually, also, let’s enjoy the Lord’s as our grace and flexibility and endeavor together!