2021 World CAAD PhD Workshop


Presenters selection:

  • Each sibling society (ACADIA, ASCAAD, CAADRIA, eCAADe, and SIGraDi) will have its own selection committee and process;

  • Each sibiling society will indicate 3 Ph. D. candidates for presentation at the workshop, totaling 15 presenters;

  • The 15 indicated presenters will have the opportunity to have feedback from our event panelists, also indicated by the sibling organizations;

  • The complete list of selected presenters and their presentations titles will be sent to the organizing committee by November 18th (worldcaadphdworkshop2021@gmail.com);

  • The complete list of selected presenters will be announced in this website by November 10th;

  • All the presentations and videos must be sent to the organizing committee by November 30th (worldcaadphdworkshop2021@gmail.com);

Important dates:

  • November, 9th - Deadline for each sibling society to inform the list of selected presenters and their presentations titles to the organizing committee

  • November, 18th - Announcement of the selected presenters and their presentation titles on this website

  • November, 30th - Deadline for emailing the presentation videos - worldcaadphdworkshop2021@gmail.com

  • December, 6th, 7th, and 8th - World CAAD PhD Workshop 2021