2021 World CAAD PhD Workshop

Best presentation awards

The World CAAD Ph.D. Workshop organizing committee, after receiving the panelists' evaluations from all sessions, and in grateful recognition for the high-quality presentations of this year's event, decided to grant the best presentation award for the following three researchers, on a sharing basis:

Begum Aktas (eCAADe)

Istanbul Technical University


Circular Façade System Design Through Design for Remanufacturing

Débora Mela (SIGraDi)

Federal University of Viçosa


Algorithmic modeling for simulating green façades

Garvin Goepel (CAADRIA)

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Augmented Architecture: On practical challenged and the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) 3D-holographic instruction on assembly and fabrication in an architectural context for the "best practice guidance" of AR - manuals