2021 World CAAD PhD Workshop


The World CAAD PhD Workshop is an academic event organized by five international sibling Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) organizations to provide a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing serving the global CAAD community. The aim of the World CAAD PhD Workshop is to introduce junior researchers at the PhD stage to the research culture of different schools within the global CAAD community. The workshop offers students an opportunity to receive constructive feedback from prominent researchers and academics of the CAAD community and provides students with an occasion to position their research within the world CAAD research arena. The workshop extends existing platforms for junior researchers at the PhD stage already established at individual organizations, aiming to foster the global CAAD research community of the future and to promote exchange among diverse research cultures. Each sibling organization (ACADIA, ASCAAD, CAADRIA, eCAADe, and SIGraDi) will be represented at the workshop by three PhD student delegates as well as experts from each community. Presentations will be available in a pre-recorded format, and live discussions will take place online on December 6/7/8, catering to different time zones across the world.

The 2nd World CAAD PhD Workshop is being organized by SIGraDi's members and will be virtually hosted by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) , Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.

This event will be open to attending for the entire global CAAD community.