The Process

Why Update the Charter?

Initially published in 2010, the Michigan Good Food Charter helped build momentum for efforts across Michigan to advance a food system that promotes equity, health, sustainability, and thriving economies.

These efforts have grown and deepened over the past decade and now we are engaged in a process to ensure the updated Charter provides a robust foundation for the road ahead!

About the Process

We created a working draft of the core elements of the 2020 Michigan Good Food Charter to introduce broader audiences to the proposed updates and seek feedback while the full narrative is still being drafted. This working draft was developed in collaboration with representatives from over 30 organizations across MI whose reach includes local, regional, statewide and national work in farm and food business, health, community development, education, food justice, policy, funding, and more!

This fall, we presented a summary version of the 2020 Michigan Good Food Charter informed by public feedback and launch a renewed effort to advance a good food system in Michigan at the 2020 Michigan Good Food Summit.

More information to come!