Suggested Background Readings

This selection of suggested background readings was presented to the combined Steering and Shared Measurement Committees during the Spring of 2020 as part of the indicator brainstorm session (March-June 2020).

Food Access to Food Sovereignty

Can Detroit become a food-sovereign city?

Describes concept of food sovereignty and how Detroit activists are working towards food sovereignty.

Healthy food access is still a need for Michigan families

Level of food insecurity in Michigan; some description of anti-hunger initiatives.

Uprooting the barriers to healthy food access

Describes some of the systemic barriers to healthy food access; describes an initiative to provide CSA shares to families in Detroit, Ypsilanti, and Lansing.

Six tribes in Michigan show success expanding Tribal Food Access

Describes the work of the Michigan Tribal Food Access Collaborative.

Food & Farm Business Viability

New Research Explores the Ongoing Impact of Racism on the U.S. Farming Landscape

National article describing dimensions and impacts of structural racism in U.S. agriculture.

Michigan Good Food Fund Brochure

Describes ways the Michigan Good Food Fund is providing financial and technical assistance to businesses across the food value chain.

Developing Michigan’s Local and Regional Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities Identified by Surveying Business Owners

Describes workforce needs and opportunities based on a survey from food system employers.

MIFF’s Women in Agriculture Network Farm Development Center in the Flint area

Describes how MIFFS developed the Women in Agriculture Network and a farm development center to support beginning women farmers.

Food Hubs Are the Future of Michigan’s Food Economy

Describes the role of food hubs in providing markets for mid-scale farmers and the activities of several food hubs in Michigan.

Fair Wages & Economic Opportunity

Farmers Benefit, Prison System Save Money with Michigan Grown Purchases

Describes how farm to institution programs can be under-realized markets. This specific example highlights financial benefits for farmers and MI Department of Corrections, while increasing fresh, local food access to people who are incarcerated.

Fair Food From Fair Labor

Describes national and regional initiatives aimed at securing a fair wage and improved working conditions for farmworkers, primarily migrant workers.

2019 Workforce Assessment of Michigan’s Local and Regional Food System: An overview of what we did, what it showed, and why it matters

Describes the number of people employed in specific occupations in each industry (wholesale distribution, food retail, food production, manufacturing & processing, farm inputs) and their median hourly earnings. Offers an employer’s perspective on the food system workforce. Provides a scan of education and training opportunities in Michigan’s food system.

The Good Food Jobs Nexus: A Strategy for Promoting Health, Employment, and Economic Development

Describes criteria used to define “good food jobs” and strategies used to growing these jobs in NYC. Also provides some background information on the rapid growth of low wage food sector jobs following the Great Recession and how this exacerbated existing disparities.

New Report Confirms Challenges for Young and Beginning Farmers

Describes the difference in earnings between beginning and established farmers, as well as the major challenges experienced by beginning farmers

Kitchen Incubators Stir Up Food Businesses

Describes the role of kitchen incubators in providing licensed kitchen space and other support to food entrepreneurs.

Food Hubs Are the Future of Michigan’s Food Economy

Describes the role of food hubs in providing markets for mid-scale farmers and the activities of several food hubs in Michigan.

Health Equity

Social Determinants of Health (SDH)

Primer on SDH from the CDC program, Healthy People 2020.

Toxic Food Environment

Describes the role that our family, school, worksite, and neighborhood environments play in shaping our food choices. It also discusses societal influences on food choices such as marketing and policy.

The Grocery Gap: Who Has Access to Healthy Foods and Why It Matters

Describes the distribution of grocers and other points of food access, as well as how this relates to eating behaviors and health outcomes.

These Programs Are Demonstrating That Michigan Food Is the Ultimate Rx For Good Health

Describes a couple of Michigan-based food prescription programs, which address diet-related illness by increasing access to fruits and vegetables.

CDC Breastfeeding

Infographic describing the health benefits of breastfeeding to infants and mothers, as well as potential supports to increase breastfeeding.

Health Promotion and Diabetes Prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities — Traditional Foods Project (Center for Disease Control)

Describes diabetes epidemic in Native American communities and the role of social determinants of health. Discusses the role of traditional foods and cultural continuity in health promotion and disease prevention strategies.

An Equitable Food System: Good for Families, Communities, and the Economy

Describes benefits, challenges, and potential strategies for an equitable food system.

Sustainable Ecosystems; Climate Change Mitigation & Resilience

Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most

Discusses health disparities in maternal-child health and describes the role of environmental racism and climate change.

Michigan Farms Becoming Environmentally Verified

Discusses a state coordinated program that is designed to support farmers in meeting environmental standards.

Investment in Regenerative Agriculture Connects the Dots Between Soil and Plate

Describes various carbon farming efforts that food producers are using to reduce carbon in the atmosphere and address global warming.

Study Finds Farm-Level Food Waste is Much Worse Than We Thought

Describes the scale of food waste in the U.S. and some of the causes. Discusses some potential strategies to address food waste through the agricultural, retail, and emergency food sectors.

Massive Footprints and Moderate Steps: Reducing the Greenhouse Toll of Food Production

Describes the impacts of climate change on the food production and how the global food system contributes to carbon emissions. Discusses approaches for reducing the food system's carbon footprint.