Join in

It's up to us

  • If you are ready to meet with like minded people
  • Ready to begin taking action
  • Willing to share great community projects that you are involved in with others
  • Want to expand good ideas that are already working so others can implement in their areas
  • Happy to adopt 'lifeskills21' as underpinning habits to rebuilding community

Please do come and be part of the Link4Growth Forum

This Forum was set up by Link4Growth to bring together those people who believe that my taking responsibility and giving without expecting return along with kindness, compassion and love we can co-create a world that works for most people.

Link4Growth is an organisation that encourages local people to come together and have conversations. Everything starts with a conversation... a conversation can lead to a different kind of future. Visit the website to learn more and see how we can perhaps spread this idea... where you are... the next town... next county, next region, or event the next country...

Link to the Link4Growth Forum

N.B. Free to join... free to participate... bringing like minded people together