
Submission and Deadlines

Abstract Submission Guidelines


We have opened our call for papers! Friday will be a collection of submitted talks, while Saturday will be a day of invited talks on the history and archaeology of the Edmonton area. We will also be accepting poster submissions for sessions during the conference.

Students are especially invited to submit presentations and are eligible for student conference rates!

If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please write a 250 word abstract. You can submit in the form below, or send as a Word document or as PDF to asa.agm.2018@gmail.com with the subject line "2018 Abstract Submission". If you email your submission, please ensure you give us your full name, affiliation(s), presentation type, if it is a student presentation, and indicate if you have any time constraints.

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Abstract Deadline

The date to submit abstracts by is: MARCH 30TH

Abstract Form