Article Reaction - May 12, 2023

The author is talking about how children need to continue learning in summer, but it doesn't need to be like a classroom. It can be fun. He says that they start a new grade behind, so that 5th grader is often at the 2nd or 3rd grade level in mastering the skills they need. I learned that by the end of 3rd grade, if they're not proficient readers, then 74% of them won't catch up. That's why it's important that parents either read to them or read with them.

When reading the article it made me wish my parents did that for me when I was young. Back then I was also struggling with reading. It was in 3rd grade too. Now that I know this, I can tell this to my cousins who have a child of their own. If I have a kid of my own I would also do something like this for them. 

Professional Dress Day


I went with a simple white blouse with a black collar and pants. I was thinking of putting a blazer on as the finishing touch, but I couldn't find one that was cheap and my size. I put on some pearls too as my accessories. The reason why it's necessary to learn how to dress properly is because it will give a good first impression if you're in an interview or for work. If you wore something like a T-shirt or slippers that would seem unprofessional.

When I saw how I looked in my outfit I thought I looked like my teacher. Which is not bad, in fact it made me feel like a professional. I was also nervous about wearing it because I tried to not make my white top dirty. It made me feel confident when I was walking, and my friends complimented me. I can't wait for another professional dress down day, and this time I'm wearing a blazer.

"Service isn't the same as Hospitality."

By Anna Dolce (3/11/2023)

Customer service is a skill. It's something that is done automatically or by default. There's no warmth to it, no care. It's what we do for our guest. Hospitality has spirit, it is given with care and warmth. Good service is something we can forget, but hospitality is what we'll remember.

When I saw the title, I didn't know there was a difference between service and hospitality. I mean sure they have different meanings, but I thought they were similar. When I watched the video, I now finally understood what the title had meant, and what the two words actually mean. It made me open my eyes more about the service in restaurants, hotels, and anything that deals with service and hospitality. When she said that good service is something we can forget, I agree. I don't remember any restaurants and hotels having good service. Not because the service was bad, but because it didn't stick out to me. It didn't give me that warm welcome or hospitality experience. It didn't give me something to remember them by. Thanks to this video, I now learned that service isn't the same as hospitality.

Service Isn't Same As Hospitality | Anna Dolce | TEDx Bend - YouTube 

Telephone Skills, November 4, 2022

I learned that there's a certain way in answering a call. First, I greet them, then I identify the organization and myself. After that I ask how I may assist them. I learned that saying it fast would sound like I'm rushing, so I try to talk more slowly. Also, instead of saying only "You're welcome", saying "It was my pleasure" sounds more better.

When we called the hotels, Nikko and Hyatt were my favorite. They gave a good example on how to answer a call and how to end it. Some hotels were rushing and didn't say your welcome. One of them didn't answer either after the call rang more than ten times, but we called again, and they answered this time. Now I know what to do and what not to do.

Ms. Sharon Oliveros, CTE Counselor, September 19, 2022

This was my first-time meeting Ms. Oliveros. She gave us a more detailed explanation of the CTE programs. One of the things that caught my attention was that the teachers can pick us for a job. Another is getting ahead of credits. Ms. Oliveros also explained what kind of electives are required.