Von Stuben Manual of Arms

The Von Stuben Manual of Arms was adopted by the Continental Army after the 1777-1778 winter at Valley Forge, where Baron Von Stuben replaced the 1764 Manual of Arms with what has come to be known as the Manual Of Arms bearing his name for the Continental Army. This was a quicker and less time consuming drill, making the troops much more efficent in battle. This is the drill most commonly used at Continental Line events.

The Position of a Soldier Without Arms

He is to stand straight
And firm upon his legs
With the head turned to the right
So far as to bring the left eye
Over the waistcoat buttons;
The heels two inches part;
The toes turned out;
The belly drawn in a little,
But without constraint;
The breast a little projected;
The shoulders square to the front, and kept back;
And the hands hanging down the sides,
With the palms close to the thighs.



At this word the soldier must be silent,
Stand firm and steady,
Moving neither hand nor foot.
(Except as ordered)
But attend carefully to the words of command.
This attention of the soldier must be observed
In the strictest manner,
Till he receives the word Rest!

The Manual Exercise

1st Poise–Firelock!

(1) With your left hand turn the firelock briskly,
Bringing the lock to_ the front,
At the same instant, seize it with the right hand
Just below the lock,
Keeping the piece perpendicular.

2)  With a quick motion, bring up the firelock from the shoulder
Directly before the face,
And seize it with the left hand just above the lock,
So that the little finger may rest upon the feather-spring,
And the thumb lie on the stock;
The left hand must be of an equal height with the eyes.

2nd Cock–Firelock!

(1) Turn the barrel opposite to your face,
And place your thumb upon the cock,
Raising the elbow square at this motion.

(2) Cock the firelock
By drawing down your elbow,
Immediately placing your thumb upon the breech-pin,
And the fingers under the guard.

3rd Take Aim!

(1)  Step back about six inches with the right foot,
Bringing the left toe to the front;
At the same time drop the muzzle,
And bring up the butt-end of the firelock
Against your right shoulder;
Place the left hand forward
On the swell of the stock,
And the fore-finger of the right hand before the trigger;
Sinking the muzzle a little below a level,
And with the right eye looking along the barrel.

4th Fire!

(1)  Pull the trigger briskly,
And immediately after bringing up the right foot,
Come to the priming position,
Placing the heels even,
With the right toe pointing to the right,
The lock opposite the right breast,
The muzzle directly to the front
And as high as the hat,
The left hand just forward of the feather-spring,
Holding the piece firm and steady;
And at the same time seize the cock
With the forefinger and thumb of the right hand,
The back of the hand turned up.

5th Half-Cock–Firelock!

(1)  Half bend the cock briskly,
Bringing down the elbow
To the butt of the firelock.

6th Handle–Cartridge!

(1)  Bring your right hand short round to your pouch,
Slapping it hard,
Seize the cartridge,
And bring it with a quick motion to your mouth,
Bite the top off down to the powder,
Covering it instantly with your thumb,
And bring the hand as low as the chin,
With the elbow down.

7th Prime!

(1)  Shake the powder into the pan,
And covering the cartridge again,
Place the three last fingers behind the hammer,
With the elbow up.

8th Shut–Pan!

(1)  Shut your pan briskly,
Bringing down the elbow to the butt of the firelock,
Holding the cartridge fast in your hand.

(2)  Turn the piece nimbly round before you
To the loading position,
With the lock to the front,
And the muzzle at the height of the chin,
Bringing the right hand up under the muzzle;
Both feet being kept fast in this motion.

9th Charge with Cartridge!

(1)  Turn up your hand
And put the cartridge into the muzzle,
Shaking the powder into the barrel.

(2)  Turning the stock a little towards you,
Place your right hand closed,
With a quick and strong motion,
Upon the butt of the rammer,
The thumb upwards,
And the elbow down.

10th Draw–Rammer!

(1)  Draw your rammer with a quick motion half out,
Seizing it instantly at the muzzle back-handed.

(2)  Draw it quite out,
Turn it,
And enter it into the muzzle.

11th Ram down–Cartridge!

(1)  Ram the cartridge well down the barrel,
And instantly recovering
And seizing the rammer back-handed
By the middle,
Draw it quite out,
Turn it,
And enter it as far as the lower pipe,
Placing at the same time the edge of the hand
On the butt-end of the rammer,
With the fingers extended.

12th Return–Rammer!

(1)  Thrust the rammer home,
And instantly bring up the piece
With the left hand
To the shoulder,
Seizing it at the same time with the right hand
Under the cock,
Keeping the left hand at the swell,
And turning the body square to the front.

13th Shoulder–Firelock!

(1)  Bring down the left hand,
Placing it strong upon the butt.

(2)  With a quick motion
      Bring the right hand down by your side.

14th Order–Firelock!

(1)  Sink the firelock with the left hand
As low as possible, without constraint,
And at the same time bringing up the right hand,
Seize the firelock at the left shoulder.

(2)  Quit the firelock with the left hand,
And with the right
Bring it down the right side,
The butt on the ground,
Even with the toes of the right foot,
The thumb of the right hand lying along the barrel,
And the muzzle being kept a little distance from the body.

15th Ground–Firelock!

(1)  With the right hand turn the firelock,
Bringing the lock to the rear,
And instantly stepping forward with the left foot
A large pace,
Lay the piece on the ground,
The barrel in a direct line from front to rear,
Placing the left hand on the knee,
To support the body,
The head held up,
The right hand and left heel in a line,
And the right knee brought almost to the ground.

(2)  Quitting the firelock,
Raise yourself up,
And bring back the left foot
To its former position.

16th Take up–Firelock!

(1)  Step forward with the left foot,
Sink the body,
And come to the position described in the first motion of grounding.

(2)  Raise up yourself and firelock,
Stepping back again with the left foot,
And as soon as the piece is perpendicular,
Turn the barrel behind,
Thus coming to the order.

17th Shoulder–Firelock!

(1)  Bring the firelock to the left shoulder,
Throwing it up a little,
And catching it below the tail-pipe,
And instantly seize it with the left hand at the butt.

(2)  With a quick motion
Bring the right hand down by your side.

18th Secure–Firelock!

(1)  Bring up the right hand briskly,
And place it under the cock.

(2)  Quit the butt with the left hand,
And seize the firelock at the swell,
Bringing the arm close down upon the lock,
The right hand being kept fast in this motion,
And the piece upright.

(3)  Quitting the piece with your right hand,
Bring it down by your side,
At the same time with your left hand
Throw the muzzle directly forward,
Bringing it within about one foot of the ground,
And the butt close up behind the left shoulder,
Holding the left hand in a line with the waist belt,
And with that arm covering the lock.

19th Shoulder–Firelock!

(1)  Bring the firelock up to the shoulder,
Seizing it with the right hand under the cock.

(2)  Bring the left hand down strong upon the butt.

(3)  Bring the right hand down by your side.

20th Fix–Bayonet!

(1)  (2)  1st and 2nd motion the same as the two first motions of the secure.

(3)  Quitting the piece with your right hand,
Sink it with your left down the left side,
As far as may be without constraint,
At the same time seize the bayonet
With the right hand,
Draw and fix it,
Immediately slipping the hand down to the stock,
And pressing in the piece to the hollow of the shoulder.

21st Shoulder–Firelock!

(1)  Quitting the piece with the right hand,
With the left bring it up to the shoulder,
And seize it again with right hand under the cock,
As in the second motion of the secure.

(2)  Bring the left hand down strong upon the butt.

(3)  Bring the right hand down by your side.

22nd Present–Arms!

(1)  (2)  1st and 2nd motion the same as in coming to the poise.

(3)  Step briskly back with your right foot,
Placing it a hand’s breadth distant from your left heel,
At the same time bring down the firelock
As quick as possible to the rest,
Sinking it as far down before your left knee
As your right hand will permit without constraint,
Holding the right hand under the guard,
With the fingers extended,
And drawing in the piece with the left hand
Till the barrel is perpendicular;
During this motion you quit the piece with the left hand,
And instantly seize it again just below the tail-pipe.

23rd Shoulder–Firelock!

(1)  Lift up your right foot and place it by your left,
At the same time bring the firelock to your left shoulder,
And seize the butt-end with the left hand,
Coming to the position of the first motion of the secure.

(2)  Bring the right hand down by your side.

24th Charge Bayonet!

(1)  The same as the first motion of the secure.

(2)  Bring the butt of the firelock under the right arm,
Letting the piece fall down strong
On the palm of the left hand,
Which receives it at the swell,
The muzzle pointing directly to the front,
The butt pressed with the arm against the side;
The front rank holding their pieces horizontally,
And the rear rank the muzzles of theirs so high
As to clear the heads of the front rank,
Both ranks keeping their feet fast.

25th Shoulder–Firelock!

(1)  Bring up the piece smartly to a shoulder,
Seizing the butt with the left hand.

(2)  Bring the right hand down by your side.

26th Advance–Arms!

(1)  (2)  The 1st and 2nd motion the same as the two first motions of the poise.

(3)  Bring the firelock down to the right side,
With the right hand
As low as it will admit without constraint,
Slipping up the left hand at the same time to the swell,
And instantly shifting the position of the right hand,
Take the guard between the thumb and forefinger,
And bring the three last fingers under the cock,
With the barrel to the rear.

(4)  Quit the firelock with the left hand,
Bringing it down by your side.

27th Shoulder–Firelock!

(1)  Bring up the left hand,
And seize the firelock at the swell;
Instantly shifting the right hand
To its former position.

(2)  Come smartly up to a poise.

(3)  (4)  Shoulder.

The Firings

Front Rank! Make Ready!

Spring the firelock briskly to a recover,
As the hand seizes the firelock above the lock,
The right elbow is to be nimbly raised a little,
Placing the thumb of that hand upon the cock,
The fingers open by the plate of the lock,
And as quickly as possible cock the piece,
Dropping the elbow,
And forcing down the cock with the thumb,
Immediately seizing the firelock
With the right hand,
Close under the lock;
The piece to be held in this manner perpendicular,
Opposite the left side of the face,
The body kept straight,
And as full to the front as possible,
And the head held up,
Looking well to right.

Take Aim! Fire!

As before explained.

Rear Rank! Make Ready!

Recover and cock as before directed,
At the same time stepping about six inches to the right,
So as to place yourself opposite the interval of the front rank.

Take Aim! Fire!

As before explained.

A Supplemental Manual of Arms


(Adapted from von Steuben, p. 223; Harvey (1775), p. 7; Pickering, Part I, p. 25.)

(1)  (2)  1st and 2nd motion the same as the two first motions of the secure.

(3)  Quitting the piece with your right hand
Sink it with your left down the left side,
As far as may be without constraint,
At the same time unfix the bayonet
With the right hand,
And return it into the scabbard,
Immediately bringing up the hand to the stock
Below the brass,
And pressing in the piece to the hollow of the shoulder.



(From Pickering, Part I, p. 28.)

(1)  1st motion the same as the first motion of the secure.

(2)  Quitting the butt with the left hand,
Bring your left arm close up under the cock,
Resting the left hand upon the right arm,
The palm nearly on the upper side,
The fingers mostly on the fore side of it,
Extended towards the elbow,
And the thumb between the arm and the body;
The left arm is to be straight across the body
In the most easy position;
And the cock resting upon it
Near the bend of the elbow
Supports the piece.



(Adapted from Pickering, Part I, p. 28.)

(1)  Seize the butt with the left hand.

(2)  With a quick motion
Bring the right hand down by your side.



(Adapted from Pickering, Part I, p. 29.)

(1)  Bring up the right hand,
And seize the firelock just below the swell.

(2)  Quit the firelock with the left hand,
And with the right bring it down by your right side,
Holding it in a sloping position,
The butt within a few inches of the ground,
And the muzzle about a foot and a half
Before the right shoulder.

[Carry Arms (shoulder) in two motions.]



(Pickering, Part I, p. 27.)

(1)  With the left hand push the firelock upwards,
Slipping it upon the shoulder;
And at the same time raising the butt forward,
Let the muzzle drop behind,
But not so low as to interfere
With the head of the man behind you
If you were at close order.

[Carry Arms (shoulder) in one motion.]



(1)  Bring the right thumb above the hammer
With the fore-finger under it,
Above the flint,
And instantly force it up.

(2)  With a quick motion
Bring the right hand down by your side.


(Adapted from Pickering, Part I, p. 25.)

(1)  Bring up the right hand just above the hammer
With the fingers extended,
And the fore-finger touching the barrel,
And instantly thrusting the two fore-fingers
Behind the hammer,
Force it down smartly.

(2)  With a quick motion
Bring the right hand down by your side.


(Adapted from von Steuben, pp. 19-20 and Picking, Part II, pp. 77-78, footnote.)

(1)  (2)  1st and 2nd motion the same as the two first motions of the secure.

(3)  Quitting the piece with your right hand,
Sink it with your left down the left side,
As far as may be without constraint;
And turning the stock a little towards you
Place the right hand, closed,
With a quick and strong motion,
Upon the butt of the rammer,
The thumb upwards,
And the elbow down.

(4)  Draw your rammer with a quick motion half out,
Seizing it instantly at the muzzle back-handed,
Draw it quite out,
Turn it,
And drop it into the barrel.

(5)  On command, pull the rammer half out,
And drop it down the barrel,
To rebound off the breech-pin;
And instantly recovering,
And seizing the rammer back-handed,
By the middle,
Draw it quite out,
Turn it,
And enter it as far as the lower pipe,
Placing at the same time the edge of the hand
On the butt-end of the rammer,
With the fingers extended.

(6)  Thrust the rammer home,
And instantly bring up the piece
With the left hand
To the shoulder,
Seizing it at the same time with the right hand
Under the cock.

(7)  (8)  Shoulder, as in the 13th word of command.


Search–Arms! (Alternate)

(1)  Come smartly to the recover.

(2)  Bring the firelock down with a brisk motion
To the priming position,
As directed in the 4th word of command,
Instantly placing the thumb of the right hand
Against the face of the steel.

(3)  Open the pan by throwing back the steel
With a strong motion of the right arm.


(1)  Bring the right thumb above the hammer
With the fore-finger under it,
Above the flint,
And instantly force it up.

(2)  With a quick motion
Bring the right hand down by your side.


(Adapted from Pickering, Part I, p. 25.)

(1)  Bring up the right hand just above the hammer
With the fingers extended,
And the fore-finger touching the barrel,
And instantly thrusting the two fore-fingers
Behind the hammer,
Force it down smartly.

(2)  With a quick motion
Bring the right hand down by your side.


(Adapted from a suggestion of Captain James Daniel, 6th N.C. Regiment, 1991.)

(1)  (2)  1st and 2nd motion the same as the two first motions of the secure.

(3)  Quitting the piece with your right hand,
Sink it with your left down the left side,
As far as may be without constraint;
And turning the stock a little towards you
Place the right hand, closed,
With a quick and strong motion,
Upon the butt of the rammer,
The thumb upwards,
And the elbow down.

(4)  Turn the piece nimbly round before you
To the ramming position,
And place your right hand, closed,
With a quick and strong motion,
Upon the butt of the rammer,
The thumb upwards,
And the elbow down.

(5)  Draw your rammer with a quick motion half out,
Seizing it instantly at the muzzle back-handed,
Draw it quite out,
Turn it,
And enter it into the muzzle.

(6)  On command, throw the rammer down the barrel,
And instantly recovering,
And seizing the rammer back-handed,
By the middle,
Draw it quite out,
Turn it,
And enter it as far as the lower pipe,
Placing at the same time the edge of the hand
On the butt-end of the rammer,
With the fingers extended.

(7)  Thrust the rammer home,
And instantly bring up the piece
With the left hand
To the shoulder,
Seizing it at the same time with the right hand
Under the cock.

(8)  (9)  Shoulder, as in the 13th word of command.

(10)  (11)  Shut pan.


Prime and Load!

(From the priming position; modified for safety)

(1)  Handle cartridge.

(2)  Prime.

(3)  Shut pan (pause for a directive to cast about to charge).

(4)  Cast about (turn the piece to the loading position).

(5)  Load (charge without leaving cartridge paper in the muzzle).

(6)  Return rammer (bring up the firelock to the position of the 2nd motion of the
secure, turning the body square to the front).

(7)  (8)  Shoulder (shoulder in two motions, as in the 13th word of command).



(From the priming position)

(1)  Instantly seize the firelock with the right hand
Behind the cock,
Bring the piece to the left shoulder,
And seize the butt with the left hand,
Turning the body square to the front;
Thus coming to the position of the 1st motion of the secure.

(2)  With a quick motion
Bring the right hand down by your side.


Priming and Loading, as Performed in the Firings

Prime and Load!

(1)   Come to the recover,
Throwing up your firelock,
With a smart spring of the left hand,
Directly before the left breast,
And turning the barrel inwards;
At that moment catch it with the right hand below the lock,
And instantly bringing up the left hand,
With a rapid motion,
Seize the piece close above the lock,
The little finger touching the feather-spring;
The left hand to be at an equal height with the eyes,
The butt of the firelock close to the left breast,
But not pressed,
And the barrel perpendicular.

(2)  Bring the firelock down with a brisk motion
To the priming position,
As directed in the 4th word of command,
Instantly placing the thumb of the right hand
Against the face of the steel,
The fingers clenched,
And the elbow a little turned out,
That the wrist may be clear of the cock.

(3)  Open the pan
By throwing back the steel
With a strong motion of the right arm,
Keeping the firelock steady in the left hand.

(4)–(15)  Handle cartridge, Prime, Shut pan, Cast about, Load, Draw rammer, Ram down Cartridge, Return rammer, Shoulder.
The motion of recover,
Coming down to the priming position,
And opening the pan
To be done in the usual time;
The motions of handling cartridge to shutting the pan,
To be done as quick as possible;
When the pans are shut,
Make a small pause,
And cast about together;
Then the loading and shouldering motions
Are to be done as quick as possible.


Edited by Sherwood Carter, Jim Daniel and Al Dulin

Bland, Humphrey. A Treatise of Military Discipline (1734), (p. 162).
Faucitt, William. Regulations for the Prussian Infantry (p. 172).
Simes, Thomas. The Regulator (1780), (pp. 14-19).
Von Steuben, Baron. Baron von Steuben’s Revolutionary War Drill Manual (1779), Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, 11501 (pp. 99-103).
Williamson, John. Elements of Military Arrangements (cited by 1st Virginia in its SOP).