4240 West Blvd Charlotte, NC 28208

The MEB is a unique, multifunctional, mission command headquarters that is organized to perform support area operations for the echelon that it supports. It also has the Army capability to perform maneuver support operations. The MEB headquarters begins with the same basic organization structure, staffing, and capabilities. Task organization is based on identified mission requirements for the echelon that it is supporting. It may be placed in support of Army, joint, interagency, or multinational headquarters. The headquarters is staffed and optimized to conduct combined arms operations integrating a wide range of maneuver support-related technical branches and combat forces. The MEB may include a mix of engineer, military police, CBRNE, civil affairs (CA), and a tactical combat force (TCF). The number and type of organizations that are task-organized to the MEB are driven by mission requirements. Peacetime task organization may vary due to stationing and the type of units that are collocated under the MEB for mission command.

Change of Responsibility 6 Feb 2021

Medical Training

Coin Ceremony