Course Presentation

Many were the reflections provided by the life and thought of Paulo Freire. Questions that sought to touch on the radicality of the problems faced by the educator. His trajectory, from cultural circles in Literacy Campaigns in northeastern Brazil to his institutional experience as secretary of education in the city of São Paulo, raised several themes, centered on the need for the liberation of men and women in the world. A freedom that is constituted by the need for a project of hope. In a context like the one we have been experiencing by the generalized crisis and the coronavirus pandemic, we must reconnect our reflections and action to a creative impetus. Therefore, from Paulo Freire National School, during the months of June and September, will take place the Cycle of Debates 100 years Paulo Freire: A Project of Hope. During these months, the cycle's themes for reflection will be: culture, celebrating the 90th anniversary of Augusto Boal, his theater of the oppressed and his encounter with the pedagogy of the oppressed; the memory of Elza Freire and its importance in the constitution of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed; spirituality, based on reflection on the experience of liberation theology in Latin America and Brazil; the national issue in Paulo Freire and its importance in the world, especially in the global south.


To register, fill in the questions below.


07 | 07: Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal: reading the world beyond words.

07 | 21: Elza Freire and the Pedagogy of Coexistence.

08 | 11: "My Comrade Christ": The Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Liberation Theology.

09 | 15: The national question in Paulo Freire



All meetings will be virtual and broadcast on the Levante Popular da Juventude youtube channel. Tables 3 and 5 will have simultaneous translations from Portuguese into Spanish and from Portuguese into English and Spanish, respectively. For this, we will meet on the Zoom platform.

Links will be sent by the class group.


To facilitate the sending of materials for prior reading and the link to the exhibitions, we created whatsapp groups. As these groups are for CPP guidelines only, we will only let moderators send messages, so the group can stick to the essential guidelines of the course.

To join the group, just click on the link below.


To contact the course's Pedagogical Coordination, send an e-mail to