Instructional Materials pilot and adoption

K-12 Pilot Unit Planner
Science Pilot Calendar
Science Instructional Materials Pilot Protocols, Procedures, and Expectations

Science Instructional Materials Pilot Parent Surveys

Materials Reviewed

2018 K-5 Science Publishers & Programs
2018 6-8 Science Publishers & Programs
High School Science Instructional Materials Adoption 2018

Tentative Timeline

This timeline represents a strategic plan, and not a commitment or guarantee of when new curricular materials will be adopted or purchased.

Fall 2018

    • K-12 pilot team application and selection (Sept.)
    • SBE List of Adopted Instructional Materials (Nov.)
    • Science Curriculum Adoption Publishers Fair at VCOE (Dec. 7th)

Spring 2019

    • K-12 NGSS Adoption Toolkit Pre-Screen Training (Jan.)
    • K-12 Subcommittees Pre-Screen Instructional Materials (Feb.)
    • K-12 Subcommittees Paper Screen and Select Instructional Materials (Mar.)
    • Pilot teachers receive pilot materials (Jun.)

Fall 2019

    • Pilot teacher Training (Aug.)
    • Science Materials Pilot begins (Aug.)
    • Pilot concludes

Spring 2020

    • Pilot Teams' recommendations of science materials for adoption to the School Board
    • Newly approved science curricular materials for grades 6-9 ordered and delivered to sites

Fall 2020

    • Implementation of Newly Adopted Science Materials and teacher training for grades 6-9

Fall 2021

    • Implementation of Newly Adopted Science Materials and teacher training for grades K-5, and 10-12