I'm Ready to start planning NGSS Instruction

STEP 1: Get to know the shifts

Take 15 minutes to peruse the CA Draft Science Framework chapter 1 overview and the chapter for your grade level. Really spend time looking at the Vignettes and Snapshots.

STEP 2: Get to know the standards

Take 5 minutes to learn about (or review if its been awhile) the architecture of the standards, how to read them, and how the Common Core Math and ELA standards are embedded.

STEP 3: Find your standards for your grade level or course

STEP 4: Pick your standard or bundle to teach

Select a specific performance expectation (PE) or bundle of PE's for your grade level to target in your instructional sequence.

STEP 5: Put the Phenomena First

Take time to select an appropriate phenomenon to engage students by presenting them with a phenomenon (demo, video, data, experience, activity, photos, etc.) related to your standard that will spark questions and interest and drive further inquiry.

STEP 6: Use the 5E's to make a plan

Take 10 minutes to look at some examples of a 5E lesson paying attention to the sequence of learning activities. Then, review your existing materials using the NGSS Evidence Statements and select appropriate materials as part of your 5E learning sequence.

The 5E's are about what students should be doing as they construct new understanding about science phenomena by engaging in the 8 Science and Engineering Practices (SEP's) of the NGSS.

STEP 7: Teach and Reflect

Ask a colleague, support teacher, or administrator to observe and provide data and feedback on your specific NGSS implementation goals (scientific discourse, students engagement in the SEPs, etc.)

Take a deep breath and relax... you won't have a perfect NGSS lesson after your first try. Reflect on student work and learning throughout the instructional segment to inform how you guide students through the 5E's. Collaborate with colleagues and keep notes about how to improve this instructional segment next time.